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I'm getting this week's pages done as soon as I can because we're going to Pittsburgh soon and I no longer have a laptop that lets me work remotely! (I sent it off to animation school with my kid.) So I need to get everything done ahead of time and I'll fix any mistakes when I get home.

I'm also pestering Phil for more moggies because I want to make sure to include them. Tonight we have the old guy telling our hero about the good old days when he, the old cat, was a hero. I wonder if he was really that buff? I am very fond of the anime trope where you see the tiny little old master in a flashback to when they were in their prime, and they're as tall as anybody and heroic as heck. How did they get so tiny? It's funny. 

Ok, I'm going to go get Friday's page lettered so I should have it up soon. Thanks everyone!





Kaja, I would appreciate it if you could post the pencil-sketch version of Monday's page. You accidentally reposted last Friday's and Wednesday's art on the previous Patreon update instead of Monday's art. You posted the color version of Monday's page today, but the pencil version is still missing.

Brian Harvey

What most intrigues me on this page is "I have been promised." That suggests to me that this Lord answers to some higher authority. Zola?