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I hope everyone who celebrates has/had a wonderful Thanksgiving, or at least a wonderful Thursday. (We mostly all celebrate Thursday, right?) 

I'm not sure why I'm fascinated by Kevin Perjurer talking about Disney's FastPass system over on his Defunctland Youtube channel, but I am. Actually, may I recommend his brilliant documentary Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery, posted last year. Well worth a watch. For me as a low-level person-who-makes-things it is so inspiring and heartwarming.

Ok, I'm posting this very early so I can go clean my entire house! (Like that's going to happen. I'll settle for the living room, and maybe move the Palace of the Snake Lord upstairs to my office. (The snake lord's name is Jim. He's a corn snake and a Very Good Boy.)

Thanks again everyone!

Oh yikes I forgot, I'm experimenting with an email newsletter. You folks are already on the Patreon list so I don't know if it's of interest, but you can sign up for it here on the girlgeniusart.com site. 

Ok, that's all, I'm getting to work now. I'll post the colors when they come in! 




William Ansley

When the Polar Lords' ship first appeared in the comic on Friday, October 27, 2023, Le'letha said it brought to mind a "Lovecraft nightmare". https://www.patreon.com/posts/girl-genius-for-91740032 Obviously, the Grand Duke of the Arcana's power of summoning cold "from the endless void between the stars" is based on Lovecraft's tale, "The Cooler Out of Space".


I have a request about the coloring of the Polar Lords’ dialogue: Could you consider slightly changing that coloring to slightly increase the contrast against the background? I ask because, for those of us with certain kinds of color-blindness, it can be very hard to see the difference between two colors that have similar contrast levels. I’m only partly color-blind, but even so, I have a little trouble reading most of their dialogue. And when the background color behind a word balloon is relatively dark, it gets even harder. For example, in the second instance of the phrase “YOU DARE!” on this page, the D is almost invisible to me. In the phrase “FILLED WITH COLD,” the LD at the end is also almost invisible to me—it looked like “FILLED WITH CO” until I peered closely at it. Likewise in “MINE TO COMMAND”—the TO is hard for me to see, and the only way I can tell there’s an N in COMMAND is to assume that COMMA_D must have an N in it. And I would guess that readers who have higher degrees of color-blindness may be having an even harder time. (And roughly 1 in 20 people worldwide are color-blind to some degree.) A couple of approaches that might help: * Slightly increase the opacity of the white Polar Lord word balloons, to reduce the amount of dark background that shows through. I suspect this would be the easiest and most effective approach. * Slightly change the color of the text in those word balloons. I’m not sure what would be most effective here—in most contexts, using a lighter color would improve the contrast with the dark background, but in this case a lighter color would probably make the text harder to read by reducing the contrast with the white word balloons. So maybe a darker text color? Or maybe just a color that’s more *different* from the background color—I’m seeing one of the background colors as a sort of blue-green that looks to me very similar to the text color. * This option is probably completely non-workable, but I’ll mention it anyway: a sharper distinction of the letter edges would make the letters a lot clearer. I mention this only because the FWAAAAUMM! sound effect at the top of the page is very readable, and that’s because the letters have sharp outlines. But I expect that outlined letters wouldn’t look nearly as good in dialogue. Anyway, I don’t mean to ask for any specific one of those changes; really I’m just asking if you can make the Polar Lord dialogue slightly more visible to those of us with color-vision deficiencies.


Boooooo! Booooo, I say! Go sit in the corner and think about what you've done. XD