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Hello! I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. I certainly am, I've finally got all the shipments for the Sparks and Monsters Kickstarter out to our backers*. Finally.

I'm now finishing up the stuff I need to do for the NEXT Kickstarter, including lining up a fulfillment house so that next time, I don't have to pack every one of these things with my own two hands. It's going to be more expensive, but it will also be a LOT faster. I'm sure everyone will appreciate that, I know I will.

Oh, and I promised to help spread the word about the official Homestar Runner shop! Homestar Runner was huge with our kids when they were little. Tonight, I've included a picture from a long-ago poker night when they dug through the costume boxes and wandered around dressed as Homestar, Strong Bad and Marzipan. So cute! So yeah, over on the HomeStore Runner, they have the Trogdor!! board bame, shirts, Meeples, little toy Cheats, and DVDs. It's pretty nice! If you remember HS as fondly as we do, certainly check them out.

Other than that, things are going well over here. It's hailing, which is unusual, but it doesn't seem to be hurting our cherry blossoms, so that's good. I love storms, and only concern for my fluffy pink trees throws a shadow on my enjoyment of this one. 

And now, as usual, I'm going to get back to work. Thanks, everyone!



*If you are a backer who has NOT done the BackerKit form, it's not too late, tell us where to ship your stuff here: https://girlgenius19.backerkit.com/ and if you have trouble, don't use the comments here (we try, but we might not see it if we get too swamped) use our customerservice@studiofoglio.com email or fill out our handy customer service form. Thank you, everyone!



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