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Monday's page! It's early, but not a lot of new information, I'm afraid. 

Phil is hoping to get well ahead so he can go to Wondercon guilt-free. At least, guilt-free about comics pages.

I've been a miserable wreck working through the arcane knowledge required to run ShipStation, but I believe I've finally cracked it. I live in terror of some huge expensive mistake, but I've watched a LOT of tutorials, so with luck I've got it right.

Thanks, all!




Brian Harvey

Typo: "Its" not "it's."

Brian Harvey

I suppose technically we don't know yet if she's really got it right; no halo of dingbats in this page.

Paul Rendell

So... how many more pages till she explodes, do you think?


Any bets she gets turned into a jaeger by Agatha to prevent asplosion?


Maybe, after some tinkering, she will only explode if she gets out the water.


Every page is new information! This one tells us she didn't immediately explode, and possibly that she's now floating in prime ankle-grabbing-by-very-angry-clank territory. Excited for sneak peeks of pages, and safe travels and happy conventioneering (I think that's the verb? Let's pretend it is) to Phil!


I'm voting for Lunevka to reach up and grab her ankle. Then there'll be fireworks!


(Also, fingers crossed for ShipStation success! You've got this and I believe in you!)

Michael Bacon

In a quick re-read of some pages to see if there were any clues about the glowing eyes, I did just notice that Lucrezia was totally ready to blow a hole in the goop retaining wall, with full confidence that her body would survive the torrent of effluvia. So given the very heavy (900 kg or not) clank probably sank to the bottom, it's very possible it wasn't destroyed.


I look forward to the halo of floating rats in future pages.


Not about this page: Kaja, I have the opportunity to commission an absolutely fantastic papercrafter over on deviantART and I'd love to see Agatha and her boys in her style. But I feel weird giving money to another creator for fanart of your characters in ways I don't over - for example - Doctor Who (which I'm definitely going to get commissioned from Yutaan, it's just a matter of do I get the second piece as well). So I thought I'd ask. Is this OK? Do you have a rule of thumb on this? I really do want to respect your rights and preferences, and "no" would not ruin my life or spoil my enjoyment here. I can send you a link to her dA gallery if that's a factor (she's very good). Thanks!


I like this character. Really hoping she doesn't explode.

Mary Catelli

As long as she doesn't go so mad she forgets her rats. If she does that, she can explode for all I care.


So usually we say "fan art is fine as long as you're not making money off it." In this case, she's making money, but it sounds like a one-off art work, which is probably ok? I'd say in this one case, until I find out more about what I should say in print about these things, that's fine. If she wanted to then post it as a payable download or something, we have a very simple license that we can send her. It's a very simple, inexpensive license made just for small etsy sellers and the like. I should probably post about it somewhere. The fact is, we want fan art to exist! We just also have to protect our trademark and copyrights so we don't lose them.


OK, that all makes sense to me. I will definitely be paying her to create the individual work, but I've never seen her offer downloads of commissioned work for sale (here's her deviantART page: https://www.deviantart.com/yutaan/gallery/38439431/papercraft). She sometimes sells work she's created on her own recognizance with the specific goal of selling them to anyone who's interested, but I can let her know that in this case she'd need to talk to you first. I don't think it would be an issue. Thank you! I want to see this happen because her work is very beautiful and I think her style will work very well, but I don't want to trespass on your rights. And if I get the slot (I haven't gotten a response yet) she can absolutely link back to both your deviantART account and the main comic page in case anyone sees the piece and thinks "That sounds interesting." Will let you know if/when this comes to be!

Michael Bacon

With color, eyes now are both blue instead of yellow and pink. Absolutely no clue what that means but it seems significant.

William Ansley

I have no clue as to what it means either, but I agree that it seems significant.


My prediction for Moxana points. Lu intervenes but a rat gets excited and jumps into the mix. Explosion averted but unfortunate side effects. Agatha’s new friend is a queen rat. Krosp displeased.

Michael Bacon

Been finding myself refreshing patreon more than usual today, given how much is pending both here and elsewhere in the temple. (Now watch the scene jump to an establishing page in Paris or something . . .)


...oh my goodness, Yutaan knows the comic and is absolutely squealing to be commissioned for Agatha and her boys. This saves me so much description and screenshotting that I still want to do. XD