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If you want to see what happens when I hire my kid to make me a commercial, check out the final result on our new/old YouTube channel! 

In other news:


Ok, the main system is scrubbed and restored from backup. All is well.

While that was doing its thing, I started to poke at my old cheese grater Mac, which was sitting around as a "project" awaiting my time and energy to turn it into something one of the kids can use. The kid needs a new one because the comp he's using is one we've had since I think 2010, and it's finally at the point where the OS won't do the things he needs it to do. SO, while my main was taking its sweet time looking through all my files, I reformatted and patched and upgraded and migrated stuff to the old cheese grater.

Then I thought "Heck, I'll clean out Phil's old mac and let the other kid use that one. Oh hey, what? No hard drive? I'm pretty sure it's in there. Let's see if we can find it. Ok, no. Let's see if my data recovery stuff can find it. Nope. Let's see if we can at least melt it with DBAN. Nope. After a lot of work, I can safely say it's dead and I'm going to just open up the case and drive a railroad spike though the hard drive. Maybe I can replace it. Purely for fun, no stakes there, thank goodness.

In the meantime, it turns out that none of the other computers know the password for my Apple account, or the password for the FTP login for the GG site. Just my main. Which was busy on its glorious unending odyssey of self-discovery. Oh, and I got locked out for trying too many times. So I had to wait until I could get back into my main to upload the page. The laptops were good enough for uploading here, but without those passwords I was locked out of the main site. I have no idea why I changed the passwords and then wandered off, but ok. That's on me.

So now the old dead mac is sitting downstairs with copious notes taped to it. Experiment #2 is happy with a stopgap computer that will keep him going until we can get him a new one, and I got the page up. 

Yes, we have a sysadmin. It's me. I'm no god, but I get the work done and keep everyone's machines running.

Have a good week!





I must admit I the sentence of the computer story I most understood was "all is well", so thank you for leading with that, and I am massively impressed (if baffled) by the rest. Thank goodness (and you) for backups! Nice work! The blues in this setting continue to be lovely, and I do indeed love them. Mmmmmmm...blues.... Like, the logic parts of my brain know that the flame in the middle panel is no brighter than anything else on my screen, but the bits that control my eyes want to squint at it. Kudos Cheyenne.


That sounds like quite an ordeal but I'm glad it all worked out in the end! Wait, so the flame just appeared in front of them? Shouldn't it have been in the chamber where the clanks were working? Not sure what's happening here...

Paul Lenoue

Re the commercial: Now we know where Ryan Reynolds gets his inspiration.

William Ansley

Kaja, you really need a password manager. I use 1Password. It has Macintosh, Windows, iOS, and Android clients. I use the first three. I keep all of my devices synchronized through the company's cloud-based service, but you don't have to use that. (I recognize the security risk, but the fact that I can retrieve my passwords from my MacBook, my iPhone, my iPad, my windows PC at work, or any device with a web browser, using the web client, makes it worth it to me. 1Password has been in business for years and hasn't had a security breach.) You may not be comfortable doing what I do, but there are lots of alternatives. I highly recommend that you do your own research and pick one out.

William Ansley

By the way, as far as you sysadmin skills go, I'm quite impressed. Getting the work done and keeping everyone's machines running is next to Godliness in the world of IT.


Oh, and I realize I'm WAY late to this long-over conversation, re: stretch goals for flat- and book-related Kickstarters, but I remembered that there's bonus art/wallpapers in some of the First Journey volumes that don't appear on the main site anywhere. Many of these have made their way into my screensaver file, to pop up at random and make me smile! I would absolutely love to see more of those back-of-the-book artworks as stretch goals for any Kickstarter campaign in the future. (Just a thought before I forget AGAIN.)

Brian Harvey

Actually if by "the flame" you mean the FOOM, it's /less/ bright than what's behind it, namely white, which is as bright as you can get on a monitor. It just stands out to you because it's /different/ from its background. :)

Brian Harvey

"it's finally at the point where the OS won't do the things he needs it to do." Don't get me started on how each new macOS release is worse than the one before. Just now Monterey deleted all my contacts, and when I try to import my old contacts from a backup, Contacts crashes. :( ObGG: The flame appearing in front of the bad guys rather than the good guys suggests a battle in the offing. I wonder if Monahan and Steelgarter will manage to convince Lu that Agatha isn't another Lu any more, or if it'll take them actually meeting.

Brian Harvey

P.S. The Studio News on the main page still says "It looks like I'm going to have to delay the Kickstarter for Volume 20 until March." Maybe it should say April?


It needs to be said more often: What a beautiful comic! What incredibly beautiful art!


This is why I use a password safe that syncs to all my devices (bitwarden, if you;re wondering).


And how incredibly well it does that deserves to be commented on and celebrated. :)


Page numbering typo? it says vol 22 page "013"


Lol, that commercial is delightful 😄