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Phil finished the art for this page late last night (sorry Cheyenne) so I didn't get a chance to letter it early. I was busy changing all my passwords because I stupidly clicked on a "confirm your email" button in an email from GoDaddy and then thought "wait, I don't use that email address with that account," looked it up, and discovered that I had clicked on a phishing link.  On my phone. Which has a bunch of pretty important stuff on it. So, yeah, argh.

In my defense I was both distracted and extremely tired.

The packing table in our basement was, for years, my mother's kingdom. She worked for us when we had our own web store, before we shifted to TopatoCo. Even now that she isn't working at it, I've been reluctant to move things around too much, it seems like someone else's territory. But now, with this Kickstarter, I've been rearranging it to suit myself and taking notes about what I'm going to do with the space once the shipping crunch is over.

Now I'm off to continue to make, as Phil puts it, "Big ones out of little ones." Have a happy weekend, all!




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