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Steve Jackson Games' Kickstarter for the Girl Genius GURPS Roleplaying Book is planned to launch around 8 AM tomorrow. We're so happy! You can follow the project here, and I will very likely have a lot more to say about the whole thing.

Still, it's pretty late and I should get to today's page, so:

Ok, there's a lot going on here! First, we have the actual page, then Cheyenne's very cool pencil/ink work, Phil's storyboard and "gargoyle" sketch and, finally, a color detail of the souvenir shop because although the word balloons landed right over the top of it, I didn't want you to miss the anime-con pinup art of Zeetha that Cheyenne added. Post-finally, of course, so final that it loops back around and arrives earlier, is in fact Monday's page for convenience.

I'm off to post to the main site! See you soon!




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