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Hello Patrons,

Unfortunately, I have to delay the Patreon Blog by a week. My initial plan was to have a blog post ready just before the end of February, but a lot of work ended up getting in the way of things. I uhh, must also admit that I had forgotten about how short of a month February is 😬.

We're currently working hard to wrap up preparations for our Playtesting Phase, which took a bit longer than expected. The Developer Blog will be ready by the end of the week, and I'll make it extra juicy to compensate. Apologies!

Some important information regarding playtesting 

The majority of testers will be added in the second batch which takes place in a few weeks. The first batch is smaller to ensure everything is set up properly before we "open the flood gates."  So, if you haven't received an invitation yet, fear not – you may still get one later!

Have a great week,

Wesley de Waart


Oh man, Patreon is really rubbing this one in. I said I was sorry! =(


Beren Belagund

Use AI to write your blog posts. Use your newfound time to write AI for the enemies in Selaco. Then use the enemy AI in Selaco to write your blog posts. The circle is complete.


no prob fam <3