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Arell Crocker

Your gonna love this show 10/10

Chris Walsh

Let’s gooooo, this series is a little weird but so funny

Chase Doyle

Hell yea don. This show is so strange 😂😂

Yovani Paredes

Nah watch both go off and on while watching the movies and series and here is me again recommending the flash tv series first 3 seasons are fire

Aldo Gonzales

Bro, I just saw this show. If you liked the Guardians trilogy and THE Suicide Squad both of which James Gunn worked on, you’re gonna enjoy this one as well. By the way, the actor portraying Clemson Murn is the same actor who would go to portray the High Evolutionary in Guardians Volume 3. Matter of fact, this show is how he got the part in the first place. One day during production in this show, James sat down with Chukwudi Iwuji (you can just call him Chuck). James told Chuck that he planned to go on to work on his final Guardians entry as soon as he wrapped up the first season of Peacemaker, and he asked Chuck if he would like to audition for the role of the High Evolutionary right then and there. James liked his performance so much that he immediately got the part.


My man is on job. Dropping bangers on bangers on bangers ♾️ 🔥


Cant wait to watch this 🔥 , ngl im still stuck on LOTR 😭

Rakoon Shampoo

Keep going! This show is great

Greg Malone

Don don’t sleep on LOTR 3! You don’t want to forget stuff from the last 2 and it’s the best one (imo).


Finish off the show! It's only 8 episodes so it won't take too long and then next up is Black Adam.

ben Rees

whole season str8 please don, I love this show wit a passion brudda I wanna see u binge dis shi

Isaac McVie

Finish the season, it's pretty short and It's really good


This show's amazing. Keep watching!

life and death 101

MIT is a tech college in the us it's supposed to be the best the janitor could have been a programmer or virtual security or game developer or something

Unbeknownst Man

I mean, I understand you're actually buying the whole season, not just renting it, but wouldn't it be more "cost-effective" to just subscribe to MAX for a month? That way you'd get the most bang for your buck and also get access to loads of crazy good shows and movies. Just sayin', but regardless, please finish this show, I think you'll really like it, mate!


Don out here showing his ass the past couple days. Nothing but fire. Definitely gonna need that Last King soon tho 👀

Drew McGary

Bro, you're worse than my girlfriend. Constantly asking questions that will be answered if you just keep watching.

Jacob Arms

My man, MIT is one of the best schools on the planet Michigan just does shit way better than it needs I'm ngl, they used to give prisoners lobster until rich people started to like it (lobster used to be the poor people food)

Alexis Estrada

Pls finish daredevil season 1


Fun fact the guy Murn in this movie is the guy from Guardian of the Galaxie Volume 3 who gave Rocket the brain and killed Rockets friends


idk if you're gonna think this is a dead request but you should watch the lone ranger. its a cowboy movie with Johnny Depp as a native. idk why it came to mind while watching this... but its goated


Great show! Would love to see you finish it


U should totally finish this series, we got every episode funnier and more interesting. + can't believe Donny forgot about mothra from godzilla LMAO

Rakoon Shampoo

Max doesn’t exist in the UK. It’s an American service. It won’t be in Europe until like mid-2024


can you please watch guns akimbo


Alita battle angel, cars, rango or megamind pls, i beg


every black villain is a good actor no? like jonathan majors (kang) and chukwudi (high evolutionary) but jonathan has got those allegations and problems like rn, honestly i would be sad if kang will be cancelled and they have to recast or replace another villain. Kang/Jonathan is a good ass actor ong

Humberto Perez

I was waiting for this one 🙏😌🔥🔥


This show is a riot I hope you keep watching it


yeh it is but the main actor in the movie apparently eats people in real life so theres that