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This is in the Watch order 


K Rios

W rex

Jacob Arms

This seems like a lot of work just to watch the show lmao If this is how it's meant to be watched, why tf didn't they just release it like this

Laura Downey

Don T is the movie, those two episodes happened before the movie and season one.

life and death 101

The T is the movie where ashoka gets introduced

RJ Torres-Encinias

So the two episodes that you’re watching right now take place before the animated movie that you watched. T stands for theatrical or movie (which you’ve already seen)

Jacob Arms

That's exactly how George Lucas made Star Wars to be lol Truly the show was made in his vision

Casper Andersson

S1 ep 22 isn't after ep 21. I think its after an episode in s3. Dont watch it too early just follow the order that it says and you will be fine.


Don there not just clones


You ever gonna finish dare devil?


don can u please do a transformer prime series

Its Classic

sad... i was happy with the normal order xD but you can't please all of us i guess xD Anyways... Clone Wars HYPEE <3 Have a nice day everyone


Probaby not I mean he’s already fully dropped like 20 shows halfway through watching them:(


Alita battle angel, cars or megamind pls, i beg