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Andhy thomas

Any movies tonight daddy don?


he left his slipper whu do theu keep changing so much shit...


You can't expect a live action adaptation to be the spitting image of the animation when you have 20 episodes that each have a different story to fit in 8 episodes.

Courage LK

The show is a little all over the place but I do like it, wasn't expecting it to be a 1 to 1 to the cartoon but it does do it some justice


They could've always made 20 episodes 25 minutes in length just in live action. That said I still don't like the trend of constantly taking amazing animated shows and putting it in live action.


They probably chose to do the whole two lovers tale now because they might skip it later when they return to Omashu. Idk. So far the series seems decent. It's a easier watch if you just think of it as a retelling/reinterpretation of the original story. Doing that also makes the Halo series easier to watch as well. At least for me anyway.

Keylan Harris

Remember Don, Sasuke and Sakura is from Naruto, not from the Avatar Series. The names of the those two characters are Katara & Sokka. lol


This is probably mu favorite part of the show man Uncle Iroh is the only one i liked throughout the whole animted series hes a g my favorite character but zuko is prolly the best character development to me