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Andhy thomas

Morning this is a good way to wake up


🔥🔥 such a great movie.


I recommend instead of watching the regular justice league movie to watch the zack Snyders justice league movie instead when you get there

Bryce Jackson

As a example of how his disguise would work is. When batmam vs superman came out the actor Henry Cavil stood in new york times square in a superman t-shirt UNDER the billboard for the movie and not one person noticed

Andhy thomas

Every house has a symbol but they look abit like and S zod’s one is a Z

Caiden Davis

The reason it’s called man of steel is because a lot of dc characters have nicknames and that’s Superman’s. The only ones that I can think of is flash is the scarlet speedster, batman is the dark knight, and green arrow is the emerald archer

Alaina Willow

For the ice I think thay can tell bye the layers?


Great reactions keep it up 👏🏾


No it’s in color it’s just the poster in in black and white

Unbeknownst Man

Just a heads-up, Don! There's extended versions of both Batman Vs Superman and (Zack Snyder's) Justice League. I'd really recommend watching both of those movies in their extended versions 👍🏽


Just please tell us don if youre done with breaking bad 😭


don... u gotta watch obi wan before the next star wars movie

kenny mannino

Definitely justice league but I don't think the bvs really added anything to that movie.

Alaina Willow

I really like the look of the bad guys that just me and there vehicles

Unbeknownst Man

There's an Elseworld story of Superman called Red Son, and it tells the story of what would've happened if he had landed in (Soviet) Ukraine instead of the US, it's a cool spin-off and has an animated movie too!

Cole hauser

Ahh yes what I call “Hype the movie”. Also not sure if you noticed but Clark helps Lois off the Helicopter when she was introduced and he walked past her shortly after that scene. It’s pretty quick and I didn’t notice till I saw the movie last time.😂😂😂

Rj Balla

Can’t wait til the next one don


Just to chime in on what others already said. Definitely watch the extended version of batman vs superman AND zach snyders version of Justice League. They are way better and you'll enjoy them

Joshua Hunt

tom please please watch shin godzilla

Jacob Arms

Do NOT watch the Snyder cut lmao it's the worst film. I fell asleep twice whilst watching it 4 hours long and nothing interesting happens


No the Obi Wan show takes place after episode 3 in-between 3 and 4.


The Snyder cut really did not justify being 4 hours long lmao. Zack could've easily cut that shit down to 2hrs 45mins.


yes he has it was posted right before this movie

Tatum McCormick

I don’t think people would be that chill over hearing about aliens, lol If you ever watched x-men then you’d know that revealing powers never goes right. Plus humans still hate other humans so accepting others outside of earth doesn’t seem that likely

Layla Lopo

When are you going to do the next hunger games

RJ Torres-Encinias

Jurassic Park 2 in the works for our eyeballs?


Dont forget about Shrek 2 and Megamind!!


If you want a better experience only watch the extended cuts of Batman V Superman Suicide Squad and Zach Snyder’s Justice League. To make a long story short Warner Bros executives kept interfering and having things changed in the movies and basically ruined them. Zack Snyder’s justice League is the unchanged original version of the movie Aka the Snyder cut There’s the one that’s far shorter and is rated pg13 by Joss Whedon and Walter Hamada and it’s so ungodly bad.


all these bots saying justice league snyder cut is bad are the same people that think shehulk is the best marvel show ever made. The fact that they're saying you wouldn't enjoy every second of the film means they know nothing about what genre of movies your into. As a long time supporter of yours i highly recommend it, i think it'll be top 5 if not top 3 of your favourite movies so far.


There actually is a movie thats basically if superman was evil. Its called brightburn and its pretty alright.


Brightburn! Evil SUPERMAN


Bro, you should definitely check out Brightburn. It's mad


I miss when superhero movies were like this 🙏😪


U should really try cyberpunk edge runners on netflix, also south park


It's called a sonic boom. Whenever something starts moving faster then the speed of sound a sonic boom occurs. He didn't propel forward or anything using the sky 😂 he can't just boost himself


Also I love that your watching these movies, but just so you're aware. There rebooting the dc cinematic universe from scratch. Some actors will be the same like blue beetle and wonder woman but alot of actors are getting replaced. There gunna start from phase 1 again starting with superman legacy or something. I'm glad they rebooted it cause all there movies were getting hate and they couldn't compete with marvel. Alittle sad though that Henry Cahill probably won't be superman.

life and death 101

I'm new to this I just got tier 4 how does requesting a personal video work like where would I request it


I'm not sure if it's the same for ice but usually the way we figure out how old something is by carbon dating. Carbon atoms make up a lot of stuff on this world including rocks and even animals and people. From the moment carbon is formed it decays over time and this is how we measure the age of things like fossils. By measuring the amount of decay in the carbon atoms of something we are able to determine roughly how old something is with a range to account for error. So if something was measured as 50000 years old it could be given a range of 50000-80000 years old which helps to account for error as well as other environmental factors that could have caused the atoms to decay faster or slower. There are probably other things that science can do as well to figure out age but that's the only one i know of.

Elias Larsen

i'd guess just text him directly, he can probably see you have tier 4 so he'll let you request something.


If ur on the home page which is where you should be if you can see this video. Just scroll to the top and its on the right side of the screen.


I realized as I hit reply that I'm on a pc it might be different on a phone.


Don where is Moon Knight at!!!


idk if im right but i think in the movie kryptonians are much faster stronger and durable on earth than on their planet because as they mentioned the gravity is much lighter meaning their bodies are as well and on their planet the gravity is so strong that their bodies have to be as well to withstand it like how saiyans are but the sun basically enhances every single thing and gives them xray, laser beams, flight and ice breath so im guessing once they take the suit off they unlock the powers as well as enhance their overall strength and prowess


That or the suits prevent some of the suns energy from being absorbed but not completely allowing for the enhanced jumping, strength and durability but not enough to manifest the higher level powers. This would explain why they could use x-ray (but not control it due to inexperience) when the visor was broken and why zod gained flight after removing his suit completely since his body was now fully exposed to the sun and could therefore absorb more energy.


Bro look up Zooey Deschanel with and without glasses and you'll see why nobody recognised clark kent lol. That's always been his disguise though since 1930

Alfie Hamer

The captions make it seem like the cast are shouting lol 😂


Superman screamed like that bcos he don’t like killing and zod forced him to