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W don

Mekhi Powell

Yessir don, are you gonna continue daredevil you stopped before it was getting really good

Aldo Gonzales

Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, and Samuel L. Jackson are always a win. Also, Darth Maul was portrayed by Ray Park. He was also Toad in the first X-Men film.

Marquis keel

You gotta watch clone wars


Letsgoooo , cant wait for your reaction to the 3th one . Best movie of all time for me

Marquis keel

Yes its the best thing they ever did after the original and prequels here the order to watch your gonna lose it watchin this if u like Star Wars https://starwarsreport.com/2018/10/03/the-clone-wars-viewing-guide-how-to-watch-the-series-chronologically-arc-by-arc/

Aldo Gonzales

Take your time with Clone Wars. You don’t even need to react to it since it’s a pretty long show.

Marquis keel

Nah fw he talkin bout not reacting to the best star wars show while doin the whole mcu is crazy😂😂

Marquis keel

It’s a mini movie to start and then it starts normally but then jumps around after the first 10 3 episode arcs cuz it was on cartoon network but it gets really dark towards the middle to end

Marquis keel

7 seasons 54 arcs that are 1-3 episodes each around 22 min an episode season 1-2 was to get everyone on board season 3-7 straight ⛽️

Marquis keel

Everything youd wanna see from star wars lore new characters great fights everything in there it takes place between episodes 2-3 but you dont have to watch it to understand episode 3 u can watch after

Don Townsend

Oh i see i just checked Disney Plus theres a 146 Min Movie then The Clone Wars Final season, so i watch the movie first then watch the final season?

Marquis keel

Yes it say final season but all 7 there thats just the cover art. If u thought the droids were funny just wait

Caiden Davis

Fun fact, darth maul has a earring because the actor forgot to take it out before filming

Marquis keel

Anakin is like 10 and padme is 15 and yes anakin is Jesus immaculate conception

erasuke. 月

The films animation is gross, but still a good beginning, before you watch the series

Marquis keel

Midichlorians are basically the talent level of star wars if u have a high level u naturally gifted and it come easier but it dont make u stronger it just grants an easier access if my memory correct anakin has the highest count on history beside luke

Caiden Davis

As far as I know they didn’t see it, so now whenever darth maul is shown in like flashbacks he has a earring because of that

Julian Raveendran

After you finish this trilogy please watch the clone wars series it is sooooo good!


I've had such a crush on Natalie Portman since I was a kid and I watched this in the cinema. Crazy how young she is here


yeah watch the movies first and than u can do the clone wars wich is just extra information to the star wars world


LETS GOOO. thank you don

Marquis keel

Yes they didnt think it would take off so they didnt get a good budget at first by the end it look like what if level animation

Ejaaz Jhaver

Where are the HXH reactions?

Swag Monkey

Let’s go can’t wait for the next 2

Beast sama

Yes, Anakin’s father is the force. The force got her pregnant. That’s why he’s so strong

Ejaaz Jhaver

I wouldn’t recommend watching the new movies , they are not worth it imo.

Beast sama

They always regretted killing off Darth Maul cause he’s such a great villain and had so much potential to do more


Watch the Clone Wars after this trilogy

Jacob Hjorth Enevoldsen

Don im gonna spare you the details. 7-9 = shit. The animated series = best bit of the star wars universe

Beast sama

Pls watch the next 2 quick lol

Julian P

I watched 7,8,9 and really enjoyed them as well as rouge one. Would highly reccomend if you love the series so far

Ejaaz Jhaver

True but it’s almost over might as well finish it, also it’s one of my favorite shows of all time so you can’t blame me😂

William Parker

We need you to watch the next one ASAP!!! It the next two get better and better!!

William Parker

Nah he needs to double down on the HxH! he's getting to the juicy parts! (low key, how all the breaking bad people are feeling rn lmao)

Ejaaz Jhaver

Thank you man. The juicy parts are coming up and he’s out off HXH for so long tbh.


Broo so excited!!! Pls watch Star wars : The clone wars after this trilogy! It's soo good!


I flat out disagree. The acting, choreography, and visual effects were all extremely inferior. They'll probably reboot it all again.

Dylan Vogel

Dont bother with clone wars. Unless you absolutely love star wars its not worth the time investment.


there is 7 seasons of clone wars and prolly damn well close to 200 episodes. There are some arcs that are so fucken awesome and u should prolly only watch a few episodes. I say def watch the last 4 eps of s7 after u watch movie 3. But ur gonna need to watch some eps before that as well to understand certain things that are happening and certain characters. Its really complicated so maybe dont bother, but the last 4 eps of s7 are so fucken peak


of all the things u chose to critque u said the visual effects? What are u on bro the visuals are clearly the best theyve ever been


I cannot wait for him to get to episode 3 . He is gonna absolutely lose it


There was a pod racing game back in the day on Nintendo 64


if you want you can watch 7 8 and 9 but I really don't recommend it, they really go against the story of the first 6 movies

ben Rees

the Lego star wars phantom menace game was good for podracing too