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Jack Ross

One of the best season Finals I've ever seen

Jack Ross

Loki might have just had the biggest "I'm him" moment in all of fiction 🤣


That tree is Yggdrasil. The tree of life


Loki didn't choose Sylvie. He chose to keep all of the timelines sacred and not just one. He became the loom and is now guarding all of time in all the multiverses


As the above comment says, Loki chose to still defy He Who Remains, because it all led back to pruning. This is their one chance to allow the other branching timelines to exist.

Cole hauser

Loki god of stories and time, burdened by glorious purpose. If I had to guess since Loki is controlling it. he’ll eventually if he hasn’t already send people after the kang variants through different timelines while the TVA is also looking for variants of Kang. Easily a W finale. Just like Thor wanted for Loki in Ragnarok, to evolve beyond his old ways.


Lmao Don missing the entire point as usual. Not realizing killing Sylvie means He Who Remains gets what he wants lmao


lmao yeah this is the less safe path for sure but it's going to make future projects way more interesting and it's all thanks to Loki


sorry but she does not have any right to have this facial expression at 17:00 its literally because of her lol

Koala Banana

[SPOILERS for this episode] Please don't tell me they came up with a way for this Loki to sit in a chair for the rest of time. Sure, now we can have all kinds of cool variants. That's good. But this Loki, wise and powerful god of time Loki, does what? Watches? Sits there holding the tree? Cmon bruh.

Koala Banana

[SPOILERS for this episode] Take notice that the big debate was never settled. It's always been a choice between infinite universes, or pruning universes like crazy. He Who Remains says infinite universes is worse. Because it has multiversal war "that nothing survives." Total destruction. Whereas pruning only kills 99% of everyone. Therefore, pruning is better. That hasn't been disproven. Now, Loki is betting that the multiversal war won't be so bad. He's betting on hope and conviction that it won't result in total destruction. He could be wrong about that. This could still turn out worse than the TVA's pruning.

Keylan Harris

Loki becomes GOD Loki, the new "He Who Reminds". If I was Loki, I would have killed her because of her selfishness.


really? then wouldnt loki technically take place before any of the thor movies that have the tree? even tho he watched thanos kill him..... wot


No because he exists outside of time. He is holding all the timelines from beginning to end. He is before and after time. It was always supposed to happen

Ethan VanDerVeer

Yo I can't see kong for some reason

Andhy thomas

Where did king kong go


where did the hxh vids go i have the notis that you just posted 3

Jordan Carter

He who Remains CREATED a loom machine to watch and prune and recreate timelines, Loki IS the machine that will watch and maintain all of time and every branch, giving true meaning to each life. It's truly Poetic

Xavier Coburn

No he had two choices brake the loom and cause a war or kill her he didn’t make his own choice 😂😂 people act like he did something different and made his own choice he broke the loom which was the second choice now a war is coming he who remains just didn’t add the detail that Loki would control the timelines but that doesn’t change the fact that the second choice was always break the loom and cause a war.

Xavier Coburn

No he had two choices brake the loom and cause a war or kill her he didn’t make his own choice 😂😂 people act like he did something different and made his own choice he broke the loom which was the second choice now a war is coming he who remains just didn’t add the detail that Loki would control the timelines but that doesn’t change the fact that the second choice was always break the loom and cause a war.


That's not what happened. He who remains never imagined he would become the loom. Besides, he who remains is done now. There will be no more of him. The character is dead (all of them) and the actor is not coming back

ben Rees

no, Thor in marvel doesn't mention yggdrasil, as in concept it can't work as there's more than 9 planets...the web he draws for Jane in Thor one is more of a bifrost sketch, like a train network, yggdrasil connects everything in the universe, but marvel twisted it to connect the whole multiverse...its a really weird version of a retcon though coz now the timeline will have always been a tree...meaning the last 15 years of marvel could very much have been for nothing(outside of the multiverse saga)