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don, a century is 100 years so 20th century was the 1900's aka when the studion was crested, we're currently in the 21st centry (2000's)

Chris Walsh

what version of this movie did bro get lmao


Don honestly I'm not gonna lie you watched the pg-13 version of the movie pretty much. This is once upon a deadpool, not Deadpool 2.


this the wish version of deadpool 2 wtf

Luffy Uchiha

disney is selling marvel i think apple going to own them


Oh no don. You actually watched the PG-13 version lol

Chris Walsh

I know its probably hard to believe but the rated-r version is actually a lot funnier. still keeps all the same jokes but it adds more on top


don it literally says the pg version in the movie lol let me know if he decides to watch the normal version not the super cut


Don, some of the things you've missed for watching the PG13 version: - The opening scene where you see Deadpool blow himself up - The headshot from the orphanage when Deadpool got arrested - Deadpools fall in the prison where he broke his back (you see him all f'ed up in the original version) - Pretty much all of the X-Force's deaths - Deadpool getting ripped in half - When Deadpool was ''blocking'' the shots against Cable in the truck, you see the blood splatter behing him - You actually see n*ked little Deadpool in the R version - Colossus ripping out the metal bar from Deadpool's head - Litterally the entire Deadpool and Cable fight against the orphanage guards - Juggernaught get's cheeked out and get the electricity cable up the a*s - The guy getting his head crushed by a cabinet/locker - The headmaster getting ran over by the taxi is bloddy in the R version - Deadpool killing himself (Ryan Reynolds) at the end for the Green Lantern Bit - And of course, all the f*ck and sh*t not being there in the PG13 verison


Bro 20th century means 1900's


Bro literally watched the children's version of the movie....fuck sake

Koala Banana

There are consequences to being dumb. There's a whole comedy bit about this movie being worse because it's the PG-13 version. C'mon Don.


There’s a pg13 version?? I was hella confused cause I watched Deadpool a bunch of times and did not remember a lot of the scenes in this vid 💀

jami vahasaari

josh brolin is the actor for cable and he is also thanos (refering to the joke at the end)


Don I’m ngl. You gotta watch the original version of this and upload your reaction lol. Knowing what you’re missing pains me. I promise we will all still watch and like the video lol. Please.


please watch the original version


I need him to finish the xmen movies so we can move to logan

Unbeknownst Man

Mate, you have to watch the R-rated version, there's bare stuff you miss from it and the overall experience will be fresh enough 👍🏽


also yes pls watch original


Yeah the one that Deadpool shot was the Sony version of Deadpool ... That's why he said just cleaning up timelines here

William Parker

I was super excited when you posted this... only to find out a few minutes in that you got the PG13 version. Sorry but I refuse to watch this. like come on bro you had ONE job...


Yeah, and there’s another part of the end credits they cut for this one that is absolute gold

Unbeknownst Man

The wolverine movies are fine, but the Logan movie is excellent. I'd recommend watching the X-Men & Logan/Wolverine movies, as well as the "adult" version of Deadpool 2, so you can be absolutely ready for when Deadpool 3 comes out.

Hello Neighbor

i was getting ready to watch this, got out of work, ordered dinner and then i read the comments saying its the pg13 version ....

William Parker

Idk. Ryan Reynolds is a wild card. He probably got green lit to do it just because he thought it would be funny lol


bro this is the pg13 version, watch the full movie, its infinitely better


actually, there is an unrated extended cut of this movie and it is better than both versions lol


honestly in the context of fox being bought by disney, it is pretty funny, not funny enough to watch it though lol.

Andhy thomas

isn't this the pg13 version wtf they cut many stuff in this🥲😭😂

ben Rees

monsters...monsters do that, petition for don to watch the real one on Disney+

Jack Ross

Cmon now don, they literally made sure to let you know its the pg version at the start of the movie 🤣🤣


What was that guinea pig laugh after he tried deflecting the bullets with his swords😂😂😂


It's funny how he told Cable "zip it thanos" when Josh Brolin actually played thanos. Same actor😂

Jacob Arms

Bro did absolutely not just ask if anybody died in Bambi and Lion King lmao that positively crazy


It is a shame that this is the pg version, would have loved to see his rection to the normal one without missing so much, but I watched the normal one a lot of times and this is the first time I'm watching the pg, so I'm enjoying it since there are a lot of things I didn't watch before here.

Beast sama

Came back to rewatch old reactions and just noticed this is the censored version. Rip

Jordan Long

"I've heard that name before?" really?!