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Thanks for posting this I’ve been having a bad week I been missing George Washington Like a mf

Sai Asher

Omg Deadpool ❤️ your amazing don!

Andhy thomas

Broooo when I watched the daredevil reaction it had a deadpool reference and i thought has don reacted to deadpool yet


Dopinder voices Pavitr Prabhakar in Across the Spider-Verse


Also, Don, did you end up watching any of the other X-Men movies?

Hello Neighbor

don the green lantern thing at the end is because ryan reynolds played green lantern in the live action green lantern movie that came out a while ago (you dont need to watch it, it aint good)

Andhy thomas

Yh true what I’m trying to say is ( it reminded me of deadpool and so i was wondering of don ever watched it)


You should definitely check out Taken its a great movie and i think its something you will enjoy. Also never seen alien? Man you should watch it as well as the predator movies.


no disrespect but fuck 7DS rn this reaction is a pleaseant surprise fym😂 whens the 2nd one dropping

Ethan VanDerVeer

Please watch The Martian please 🙏 just as good as interstellar if not better in some ways

Ethan VanDerVeer

Hardcore Henry is a great brutal action movie and it's a first person movie

Jacob Deal

Make sure to watch Logan before watching Deadpool 2


Sam L Jackson is the name of the actor who plays nick fury (the black guy with the eyepatch) in the avengers movies.


I love how they clearly show the Xavier school sign and a giant door with an x on it after showing the X-jet and he still didn't know it was xmen😂😂 I'm dead. Yea they made this movie assuming you alresdy have prior knowledge. You shouldn't honestly went in order just like the marvel movies. You didn't skip any of those. It's the same here. There's a chronological order to watch these.


Random thing but when Ryan Reynolds is getting his powers and makes the comment about not wanting his suit green or animated. Thats a reference to Ryan’s past role as green lantern that had an animated suit which didn’t look great and the movie was pretty widely disliked.


Also after colossus threw Deadpool away from Francis and he sais this is my most prize possession, it shows an action figure of himself... well is other self(the expiremental Deadpool) on the table referencing the xmen movie where wolverine fights that version Deadpool at a nuclear power plant. I forgot which movie but yea he had laser vision which was dope.


lol if someone said they could cure your cancer and give you special powers why wouldnt you say yes

Game Dragon

I'm surprised you never heard of Alien 3. Not Alien vs Predator either? It's one of the most popular movies ever. Alien is still referenced in sooo many horror movies.


Great reaction and great movie👍 You may want to watch the other X-Men films before you get to Deadpool 2. There are tons of references, and cameos, you won't get. For example, McAvoy or Stewart = James McAvoy or Patrick Stewart. Stewart stars as the older Professor X while McAvoy stars as the younger version in the later(?) films.

kam 7420

yes taken 1-3 is good


He pronounced it wrong as a joke but its Mc-avoy and Stewart. Mcavoy is the young actor who play Charles Xavier (you know the smart guy who owns the school) and Stewart plays the old version of Xavier. In the recent timelines. That's why he said I get confused with these timelines. Just him breaking the 4th wall again.


Whos Sam jackson???😂 dude, I'm really tryna not to blow these comments up. Samuel Jackson is nick fury

Jorge Viera

cant wait for part 2


bro you need to stop being so impatient when skipping credit scenes, you just missed one coz you paused it and ended the vid, if you hadn't then the credit scene would've continued. Its not the first time this has happened broski just letting you know but love your vids keep up the grind


The Deadpool game used to be on Steam (and Playstation Network) but got pulled when the game studio lost the license. You can't buy it there anymore, only play it if you've already bought it.


Please don’t drop breaking bad again😭season 4 and especially season 5 are peak televison


FYI both Deadpool movies are on Disney+

Yovani Paredes

Transformers this weekend?


Currently cry laughing this is too good lmao, WE APPRECIATE you don <3


Logan is the culmination of decades of wolverine on screen..it'd be a dry reaction since Don has no attachment to the character


no he didnt cause all the comments saying to skip it all to get to deadpool


Damn, I hope he goes back to watch them so we can get a Logan reaction. I'm not a huge fan of the later movies, but the first three are classics to me and as someone mentioned below, a Logan reaction would be dry without watching any of the XMen movies

Miguel Fernandes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 16:49:26 27 minutes and bro was FLABBERGASTED
2023-11-25 16:49:26 27 minutes and bro was FLABBERGASTED
2023-10-06 17:59:15 27 minutes and bro was FLABBERGASTED

27 minutes and bro was FLABBERGASTED

Jacob Arms

Ayo pause wtf Don 😂😂😭 How many white dude balls you be looking at


LITERALLY 1 SECOND after you stopped watching the end credits continued COME ON DON!!!


Samuel Jackson is Nick Fury Don....Sometimes bro I wonder how your brain works looool. Ah Don. You are a treasure


Deadpool 2 pls

ben Rees

donnnn please deadpool 2 I beggggg this one was greatttt