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Season 4 and 5 is going to be better and perfect


Bryan goes from a lighthearted–optimistic Hal in that opening scene to a: "Your boss is gonna need me" Heisenberg by the end of the episode. 🔥 Before Walt gets the call for Gale's address, he's on the couch holding Holly as she takes off his glasses while making it feel all too relatable to 'Phoenix', which was a pivotal episode in his arc. He had Holly, and took a life in the same episode. In this episode he actually plans out taking a life. This showcases the evolution of Walter brilliantly. While the camera sweeps across an old family photo they use Dave Porter's same song from the opener as well. '308 Negra Arroyo Lane' Spanish for "Black Stream'' symbolizing his family's dark path and the fall from innocence of the people around him. I wouldn't mind lingering in those types of scenes longer to soak it all in. There's weight behind them. Shows like Ozark or Mr. Robot can have a lot of suspenseful action-packed anxiety inducing scenes but then feel light on their feet. Imo no other show has better character development, acting and writing behind it as BB does. There's more relatability to the storytelling. That's what makes BB heavy if you picked it up figuratively. It doesn't feel cheap where it shouldn't