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Perfect refresh fr

Yovani Paredes

Hellll yesssssss and ayo did he say next movie tomorrow fucking hell yea


Hell yeah! Also, are we getting more of the boys soon?

Beast sama

Are you not going to finish One Piece Live Action?


Don do you not know the history of Chernobyl? You should really check up on that at some point.

Koala Banana

Thank you Don. Needed something after a long day.


Megan fox got fired. Thats why she was replaced by the other girl. Some drama came up between her and michael bay if i remember correctly


Space isn't quite just up, down, left, or right. Its all relative. It's all directions. No matter where you leave Earth you will always be going up in a sense. But once you enter open space it's all based on your perspective. Our solar system "Sol" isn't just a 2d plane. It's like a giant sphere surrounding everything in side of it, in a way. Believe it or not, but from our understanding, there's multiple layers of interstellar space. All too much to comment on patreon.


As others have stated, left, right, up, and down are all relative on the fabric of spacetime. The only thing determines up or down is your orientation in space. There is no gravity to hold you down, thus giving you an opposite up. Floating around, you couldn't be certain what was up because there is no "down" you're being held to like we are now. All directions would feel nearly the same, but completely different from another perspective, and you'd have to use other methods to communicate location and direction in space.


And there are many, many galaxies in every direction from Earth, just far away. Many solar systems across all those galaxies, etc.

Ian Abaho

The fact he keeps asking about the space thing shows he doesn't read the comment section. Cuz damn, I have explained it on many occasions 🤦🏾‍♂️😂. I even wonder if he knew what was going on with the boys drama cuz there's no explanation from him. The lack of interacting with the subscribers is not encouraging at all.


He'll realize everything once he starts losing community engagement

Cole Sandulak

i wish i could say it gets better but to me this is peak transformers right here


I think don forgot that sam literally killed megatron himself with the allspark even though he got revived.

ben Rees

apparently not? I am waiting for age of extinction as its my favorite transformers movie :p, also waiting on deadpool 2 coz deadpool 1 was jokes

Jack Ross

There's no left,right,up or down in space. It's just space.

Evan Ritter

Im gonna address your question about what happens after we leave the Earths’s atmosphere, and even our universe. There are many theories, explanations, and conspiracies out there, but I will be talking about the most accepted theory we have. I’ll also primarily be talking about what happens when you leave our galaxy (Milky Way). So after an X length of space, the space shuttle leaves the Milky Way’s gravitational field, which means our conception of time and physics no longer apply. The law of relativity tells you that there must be a point of reference for anything that can be relative to be considered as relative. Things that can be considered as relative: time and physics. In the Milky Way Galaxy, our sun is our point relativity and all physics and conceptualization can be attributed to our sun and anything outside of our sun’s gravitational pull, is outside its point of relativity. How do we as humans travel deeply into space? It’s quite a simple answer but complicated process/innovation to implement: Cryogenics; and not only cryogenics, a program that is proven to work and can be implemented into all our space shuttles that are used for human transportation. What are Cryogenics? In English terms, Cryogenics can be described as the intention of putting people to sleep for extended amounts of time, or purposely putting people into comas where you can wake them at a later point. To go back to the original question, once a shuttle leaves the galaxy, it leaves Earth’s conception of time. What does this mean? The further you go, the less time you and earth share. Meaning time on Earth continues to go on as we know it, but the shuttle that’s traveled outside the galaxy, follows no concept of time as it’s in the process of going through free space where there is no gravitational pull, which means there’s nothing holding anything together. Which in theory, means time travel is possible, not in the same way as described in many movies where you can travel to and from the past and future at will. At the moment there is no way of going back into the past, but what I’ve described above is how one can travel into the future because 1 year on earth can equal 5 years, 10 years, 100 years, or even 500 years, all depending on far you go, if you have enough sustainable resources to keep exploring, and even if you get the chance, to come back to Earth, A great movie that explores the topic I’m discussing is Interstellar, a great film that defines this perfectly. But this concludes my answer, I’m by no means a scientist, I’m just a college student who’s got too much time to think and learn.


cool little thing about transformers dark of the moon after prime killed Megatron and Sentinel prime when we see Optimus looking at, Sam Next too prime. Megatron was supposed, to be there next too prime, because Megatron asked for, a truce and that was the original script for dark of the moon and they added prime killing Megatron later on doing production. And u can tell on Sam's face because he looked to the right of prime confused on why Optimus and Megatron was next too, each other and not fighting.

Crazy Moore

With the thing with Carly and megs he was like " why you little,sigh, you have a point" then he went and did what you saw probably let her live bc she help him realize the truth of the situation