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has don clarified anywhere whether hes done with the boys & breaking bad? havent seen in ages


Yo don can you do a reaction on 7ds new trailer you only get 1 spoiler in the trailer😉


3 weeks since ninjago now, don are u still watching it?

Ethan VanDerVeer

Let the man catch up doing stuff he wants first hope y'all didn't forget why there was a break don't hate cause he takes care of family I want bb and the boys asap too but we'll have to wait


well most people whined about all the ninjago to be fair


Everyone moans about everything but it’s just annoying that he started watching it and then just stops


lmao u posted this just as i finished watching your john wick chapter 2 reaction


I've been waiting for this one!!!


it crazy to see how good john wick is, and still know that sam fisher would fuck john up every single time


Please watch the continental series don🙏


A happy surprise especially considering the fact that I didn’t get a notification that this was uploaded

Yovani Paredes

Watch the monsterverse movie series


Idk he drops tons of shows plus he might have gotten caught saying he's already seen the boys I don't know how valid that is though


He got caught that he watched the show before so he stopped it, just check the comments on old posts you’ll see

kenny mannino

maybe after he finishes the transformers series or the other big multi movie series he has just started


You gotta watch the next Shrek movies!!


Question. With us approaching a season of heat very soon with shows like invincible, gen v, rick and morty, loki, etc., are shows you just started in addition to shows you haven't finished like BB, SDS, Baki, etc. going to get pushed under the rug even more? Even though I don't watch everything on here, gladly the series/movies I do watch has mostly been completed. However, there's a fraction of people on here genuinely curious about shows you've gone dark with for weeks and months. Building a community is about being for the community as well. We support you by giving you our money, but people are less willing to continue that support if there's no communication on if you're taking a hiatus or stopping something completely. After a while people are going to get tired of it, which will suck for us and yourself. I say this all because I do support you, and have been for maybe over a year now, but at the same time I am not biased and stand with the community members that just want a little bit of clarity. This is not a hateful comment, this is just me keeping it real. It would be nice if someone close to Don could get this message to him, or I could keep commenting it on new posts until he sees it since I'm not sure whether he reads comments or not.

Ricky Regal

Imagine watching this during covid and having to wait 3 years for the next one!

Ian Abaho

I honestly doubt that he reads the comments after what happened with boys drama

Sco Har

lmmfao at his reaction to @22:00