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Andhy thomas

happy birthday G that brudda is matt (daredevil) its another show


Happy birthday my guy.


don can't get a brake with all these jump scares lately 🤣🤣🤣


Also the blind lawyer in the beginning is daredevil he has his own show that was pretty good from what i remember.


Don really hates true hero characters huh, SADGE

Courage LK



Daredevil made a cameo(favorite marvel show) srsly you should watch it eventually some of the best acting and fighting around.

Amber Reed

Happy Birthday!


1. Tobey 2. Miles/Andrew 3. Tom


Happy birthday bro and list is Tobey,miles,tom,andrew


Best marvel movie imo


That Zendaya and Tom comment was kind of wild ngl but anyway HBD!


Matt Murdock (the blind lawyer) is from Daredevil, the best Marvel show ever (best Marvel thing imo).


The blind lawyer is Daredevil. He had his own show. In terms of Marvel shows, the top three are: 1. Legion 2. Daredevil 3. Jessica Jones


My favorite spidermen have to be all 3 from the these movies. Miles Peter and Gwen from Spiderverse are def up there too. And finally prolly the videogame Peter and Miles as well.


Punisher is overrated. It has some good scenes but the writing was trash. I found Luke Cage kinda boring. It was okay, but not top 3 material.


1. Miles (He’s my guy, nothing more to say) 2. Andrew (Super overhated and subjectively the best actor of them all) 3. Tobey (I grew up on Tobey so it could be nostalgia that makes me love him so much) 4. Tom (Tom is actually really good and has potential to really rise to the top with his “College Trilogy”. Tom is also overhated but he just sadly can’t be ranked much higher)

Cardenasada Taco

Happy birthday! Bro been watchin too much Pokémon🤣 callin Electro Electrode 💀


Happy birthday again, man!


only one of these is in the top 3 and thats daredevil. legion number 7 and jessica jones 9


L take. Jessica Jones and Legion have spectacular acting and some of the best writing in Marvel television. The majority of Marvel shows are mediocre at best, under a critical lens, but Daredevil, JJ and Legion stand out with originality and exemplary storytelling. Though, I'd love to hear what shows you think belong in the top 3.


happy birthday


all im reading is opinions just like your top 3 list.


Everything's an opinion if you want to wax philosophical about it.


an opinion is a perspective so i guess youre dum if you think what you said is philosophical because an opinion isnt a fact and also an opinion isnt truth

CEO Mxury

happy birthday mate...cant wait for your next mavel reaction doctor strange 2 is sooo underrated


typical a losers way of dodging a debate by picking one thing up even tho being proven wrong and unfortunately depending where you are in the world also varies in your spelling or slang. Dumbass


aka dum is an alternative form of dumb. a simple google check wouldve made you seem less DUM


It really isn't, dumbass 😂 But since you believe in everything you Google, how about this https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dum


sorry but you really just sent an urban dictionary link. god hahah


in my tongue the word is dumm or dummkopf, but yet again you showed your stupidity by avoiding what i said and pointing out one word what is the common move of a fool who has been proven wrong


Pretty rich coming from the guy who sent a "cyber definitions" link, then deleted it and edited previous comments. You have the grammar of an eight year old, so I really can't take you seriously. Maybe you should actually try your best to read and understand comments before your respond to them, yeah? 😀 Don't bother responding because I have better things to do now. Maybe it's a good time for some introspection on your part.


I deleted it because I believe and idiot like you would think im sending you something dodgy link, i presume you probably use wiki as your information sauce just like urban dictionary. woah big word introspection, do you know what it means? because you dont know what an opinion is.


Just like i said english isnt my first language and i still know what an opinion is XD


1. Toby (sentimental reasons, I grew up watching the Toby Trilogy 2. Shameik (I think Miles might probably be the best, but I can't put him above my boy Toby) 3. Andrew (Probably the best actor out of them all, but the 2 movies were lacklustre imo, I still hope he gets a third movie which could elevate him up the list) 4. Tom (He's a great Peter Parker/Spider-man but I often feel like he overacts with his body, constantly running with his arms out even though he only has to travel a few feet)

Koala Banana

If only Dr. Strange 2 was as good as its trailer...

Koala Banana

Dr. Strange 2 trailer be like "you ready for some crazy multiverse shenanigans?" then the movie be like "You suck Strange, we like Chavez now."

Keylan Harris

Start watching DareDevil on your free time, Don.


the reason i like this movie apart from the cameos is because this mcus peter parker finally becomes spider man at the end and builds his own costume the original blue and red and it reminds me of the show i used to watch as a kid


Loving the marvel, boys, 7sins, and ninjago reactions, but when you get a chance you gotta react to how to train your dragon. That is one of the best trilogies out there, regardless of being intended for children. I loved growing up with it and I still love it.


yeah when you finish this movie and start to look at the entire home trilogy as parts that built his origin, it kind of makes the movies better fr imo ofc

Jon Black

This one really cleaned up all the issues with the previous SpiderMan movies with the dope ass ending

Hello Neighbor

for me id say 1: Tobey is probably my favorite with my favorite movies 2: I'd give it to Tom since I like his movies and he has a lot of potential especially with his college trilogy coming up 3: I'd say Andrew, I do think he's the best actor to play spiderman but imo he has the worst movies And for Miles I dont feel like its right for me to rank him yet since his arc isnt done yet so I just want to see Beyond the Spiderverse to really rank him but if its as good as the first 2 he'll probably be #1

Beast sama

The lawyer at 9:50 is Daredevil. He made a cameo


I didn't know there was such a dislike for toms spiderman. I honestly thought hes the one who fit the role the best so far. I would agree that andrew is the best actor of the three and his movies just weren't written as well as the others. Tobys are still great movies but a lot of it is nostalgia for me.

Harry Atkinson

You should watch the daredevil show youd love it! One of best shows ever made imo


PLS WATCH 3rd tobey movie if u havent seen it its the best one!

Jacob Arms

I'm sure others have mentioned it, but that scene where Peter is punching up Green Goblin had to be done a few times because Willam Dafoe is such a good actor that he terrified Tom and the crew during filming it lmao. You can find videos of the behind the scenes on YouTube, I'd be scared too loll

Jacob Arms

Nah Amazing Spider-Man might've had one of the crazier fights Bro fought a property of nature, electro is pure electricity


The whole thing could’ve been avoided in the coffee shop when the decorations reminded Peter about Strange.


Favorite Spider People #1 PS4 Peter Parker #2 Tobey Maguire #3 PS4 Miles Morales #4 Andrew Garfield #5 Tom Holland #6 ITSV Miles Morales I'm aware this is a hot take 😂


jesusss u had 100 pasues and at the best parts donnn