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Aks 321

Choosing to believe Homelander's side of story about Becca at face value is crazy, especially considering what we have already seen of him. He is not trustworthy


People here needs to stop spoiling shit, if it is otherwise he will find out in the next season :P

Vaz Pazzaz

I thought that at first in the beginning too I was like “wait was that intentional” cause that’s how the show sets it up. Stop lighting him up he didn’t know and if he did he wouldn’t say this shit


Not sure what you meant about the news not covering Ukraine Don. Sure, it was massive news when they were invaded and then as things became a slow war of attrition the news slowed down about it, but to this day it’s still covered on the regular. Sky news cover it daily with a battlefield update with Michael Clarke, when the Crimea bridge was hit in November then again a few weeks ago all the papers had it on the front page and Sky, ITV sand BBC covered it. When Zelensky visited the UK it was on all the papers and news. So not sure what you meant when you said the media stopped covering it. As for the £4.7 billion we’ve given Ukraine, that’s not just straight like free cash, that’s money but also the cost of things like Humanitarian aid or medical supplies or tanks or missiles. Sorry for the non Boys related comment Don, just wanted to clear some stuff up for you man.

Jacob Arms

Blud this was recorded almost 2 weeks ago lmao He's either never going to read this or has already been reamed by the higher tiers for it

Joseph Suwalski

So anyone know whats going on with patron. Last night I saw don uploaded the boys season 2 episode 4 but I check again today and latest I have is season 1 episode 8. Any one know why that would happen.


For some reason everything is on tier 4 idk why smh it’s been 10 days and still nothing for level 2-3, idk bout u but I ain’t paying 40$ I’ll wait 🤣