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Matthew MacKinnon

i hope its clear that the reason the guy was taking money out of his company (fraud), was to pay his staff paychecks for a good chunk of it . another good chunk is his attempt to "keep up appearances", and make it seem like his company is still doing amazing, which is just stupid, but at least part of it is done for the reason of : "i dont want to fire people and have them jobless, so instead im going to take money from the company, pay their wages, then pay it back to the company out of pocket when i can" (which fucks with their records and therefore how much they owe for tax, but yk, the thought process was based on him being kind at least)

Sergej Skok

I don’t think hank had a heart attack or stroke as you suspect. It is panic attack induced by PTSD and anxiety. Very common thing for someone who seen some shit. That’s why in the elevator scene everything was blurry and distorted but as long as he got out, he was just fine. Bless you for another episode. Right on my birthday as well


This. The most time Ted would have to do, if convicted, would be around 5 years. If they were to catch Walt right now in the story, him cooking is an automatic felony which is 9 years in ABQ, New Mexico. Add in his dealings with Tuco, murder and disposal of Emilio/Krazy 8 bodies, and or minor association with Gus and he'd be doing 50+ years easy.