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You are blessing us man 😭

Marquis keel

U dropping to much heat to fast I still gotta watch prisoner of azkaban😭


Just when I thought there was gonna be a gap with marvel stuff


Thank u don

Rakoon Shampoo

XMen is also adapted for Marvel Comics. But it’s not part of the MCU.

Ian Hannay

2 OG great movies, say lesssss (1996 baby, so these are OG to me 😂)




Personally X-men first calls is my fav. But all of them imo are really good movies!


x-men is a marvel property but it is owned by fox and that is why they aren't in the same movie universe as the avengers. Additionally the first few of these movies pre-date iron man which was the first movie in what is known as the MCU which stands for "Marvel Cinematic Universe"


If you wanna watch more x men watch dark Phoenix


You pr9bably won't see this comment, but just incase you do. There are 4 ways to watch the xmen movies. Xmen:days of future past kinda of splits everything in half. Either chronological which I don't recommend. In order of release which I also don't recommend cause it'll still leave you confused. Then there's timeline 1 and timeline 2. You can Google the movie order for both timelines. Either one is fine I have my own preference but watching the the movies based of the different timelines starting with xmen : First Class is the right way. I know you already seen X1 so your probably not gunna change your order but I promise it's worth it. Nobody probably explained to you that there's different timeliness. That can get confusing. Cause one movies your like Okay this person's dead and the next your like wait there alive?😂


Could Jean........ do things to cause a "happy ending" telepathically? I have always wondered the same thing 😅 If that's not what you were insinuating, then I am the one with a dirty mind... lol


''Either chronological which I don't recommend.'' ''First Class is the right way.'' So you do recommend chronological... Or maybe you don't know what that word means.

Beast sama

i dont know much about x men but are you watching them in release order or what? i went on IGN and it says u should watch X-Men Origins: Wolverine before this. It was released 9 years after this movie but by timeline order, u should watch that first


Hope Don ignores all the comments about watch order..those people are insane..probably why he hasnt gone back to star wars..unless your a child you watched all these series release order and loved them that way..why do yall try to get people who dont know anything about the IP to start with the 5th movie then jump back to the 1st then go to the 7th..pure insanity

Koala Banana

People who only consider release orders are just lazy and dumb. No one knew Origins Wolverine would exist when they made the first X-Men. Release order is not gospel nor a grand design. Consider everything.

Gastly Touch

The series is meant to be watched in chronological order. You’d be the insane one trying to tell him to watch it in a way where nothing makes sense.

Ian Abaho

Did bro not spot Stan Lee


Just watch the movies in release order! It gets too confusing trying to jump between different ones.


Most of us watched these movies as they were coming out and it wasn't confusing then, it won't be confusing for him either 😅 watching them in release order is completely fine.


Basically in the 90s Marvel was going bankrupt, so to recover their finances they sold the film rights to some of their most popular characters. Sony bought Spider-Man, Universal bought Hulk and Fox bought Fantastic Four and the X-Men. Marvel was able to make deals to include Hulk and Spider-Man in the MCU, but Fox wanted to make their own universe, the X-Men movie series you just started.


the whole chronological order thing only works for the mcu and star wars, X-Men doesn't work that way. theres nothing that leads into the 1st trilogy..all that shit was erased in the 7th movie, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are an entirely new timeline thats why at the end of the 7th charles has to fill logan in on the new history cause the 1st trilogy was reset..maybe the chronological order crazies didnt get that..they think its one linear timeline from 1800 to 2029


These movies are great, I recommend watching them all the way through before going on with the MCU


It’s not a linear timeline..you can’t go from oldest date to latest and have a coherent story.. and the whole jumping around BS is only good after you understand the inconsistencies and know the characters not as a first time watch


Decided to checkout your Patreon to see if you were up to Loki yet. No Loki videos yet, but I was extremely excited to see you decided to start watching the Fox X-Men movies!!! The X-Men animated series from the early 90’s was my first introduction to the Marvel Universe and I have been a fan ever since. The movies have their faults, but most of them are still pretty good for their time and in their own way separate from the animated series and comic book source material. Blade (1998) X-Men(2000) & Spider-Man (2002) all laid a solid cinematic foundation for Marvel and paved the way for the MCU we have today. Happy to see another reactor delving into Marvel’s cinematic past.


According to quite a bit of FanFic about the X-Men, telepathic sex, is the best sex 🤷‍♀️😆


You ask why would people fear mutants, but look at it this way. Regular humans are already at the top of the food chain wiping out everything in sight.. Can you imagine what could be done by the ones that can bend metal and suck people's life force just by a simple touch? Of course people ain't gonna like that.. But if everyone magically woke up with powers, it'd be cool because there wouldn't be necessarily a "superior subspecies" (even though all mutant abilities aren't created equal).


did you mean X-MEN first class or something else?


when you gonna watch X2?

johnny bhoff

No offense I still love all your videos. But your are terrible with remembering names and who that person is 😂 idk it’s just kinda funny.

johnny bhoff

Please don’t take this the wrong way. I love your videos. They are some of my favorite reacting videos. Just pointing it out. 💜