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Chris Walsh

W maybe watch deadpool before watching the next series?


Don didn't watch the post credit scenes


Don, you missed the Post Credits Scenes in episodes 7 and 8 that explained the sudden White vision and where Monica went :(


Think they meant the ones for the previous two episodes. But in all fairness, he probably thought it was just those long ass credits xD

Kyler Hembree

You should definitely watch eternals!

Kyler Hembree

Also, I wish you would've done a series analysis, just to give us your final thoughts on the series. what you enjoyed and what you didn't


Definitely watch Hawkeye


Also Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage are other great marvel shows as well


4 minutes in and im already frustrated bc don doesn't understand what going on bc he didn't watch the post credits

Koala Banana

I wish they'd stop with the romance. Vision is such a cool character. He shows virtue is more than human. He shows virtue is possible even without a history or identity. And what do they do? What's Vision's greatest goal in life? To fall in love and be with his wife, like an ordinary human. He could've been so much more.

Beast sama

U would really like Deadpool. He isnt a villain or hero. He just does what he wants

Beast sama

It just clicked to me that wasnt Captain America's friend, but the friends daughter. I forgot Captain America took place years and years ago


Falcon and Winter Soldier is one of my favourite series. Can't wait for that!


I'm excited for you too see the other shows/movies and how the characters and the world is affected by Thanos and the 5 year time skip


u never watched the post credit scenes on the other episodes


I absolutely love that you did a little clap for the post credit scene 😆 This one gets me all teary eyed every time. A very well done exploration of grief and what it can drive a person to do. Looking forward to continuing in phase 4.


Damn, chill out, and he most likely meant the other episodes.


She said your ex and your boyfriend cause the white vision is made from the real visions body (her ex) and the vision she created (the one she's currently with)


Honestly without his love with wanda he really wouldn't have grown as much as he has throughout the movies, that relationship really taught him how to be human. It'd not all about action sequence. They've got to tell a story


He didn't phase with thanos because he was already stabbed through the body and couldn't phase.


I didn't see you ever realize it and I know this is late but, Monica is the daughter of Maria, captain marvel's friend. Monica's mother who they said in wanda vision that died of cancer was the Mom in captain marvel.