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Kyler Cebula

this season feels underwhelming compared to the other ones, and thats including the finale lol


This season was sick, jus wish it was longer icl

Kyler Cebula

felt like more of a build up to next season not much crazy action happened, the best fight was with the pot guy and he was gooofy lol. but the animation was still top tier

William Parker

The fighting scenes may not have banged as much as the previous seasons, but the story in itself (and animation) still holds up. I loved this arc just as I’ve loved all the arcs before it! Can’t wait for more!

William Landrum

Before, it was sitting at a nice 7. Now it's sitting at a good 8 or 9


Expectations for me were a bit high since we were looking at stronger hashira and higher ranked demons, so I figured in comparison this season would be sicker than the last 1. I think before it was an a rough 8, and with the finale still an 8 lol.


and after this wonderful season has ended i have no more reason to pay for patreon. no more interesting anime reaction (for me). maybe when the copyright shit will be over from patreon like it used to be


same man I enjoyed tokitos backstory but tanjiro now being able to use 3 breathing forms is nuts


basically the thing at the end of the episode was advertising the next season

Luffy Uchiha

10/10 they did great can't wait for next season


I was riding on a 7.5 throughout most the season but the last episode boosted it back up to like a high 8 or 9 for me. Last season really had my expectations high. But I still really appreciate the small details in the animation they usually have. Last season it was the little lift before the brother and sister walked into hell together. This season it's kibutsuji when he walks out the room and just pushes the maids body out of the way without thinking about it. Demon slayer is always good about the little details and I appreciate that.

Kyler Cebula

how?? compared to the other seasons it’s like a 6, the finale brings it down to a 5 having no hashira fight

Kyler Cebula

just the animation, story also doesn’t compare to the last 3 seasons lol it’s very mid other than the animation idk how people are rating it 9 and 10, they’re just glazers

Kyler Cebula

how can you compare it to the old seasons and rank it that high? compared to old seasons this season is a 6 at best

Richard Wheeler

we saw the cat at the end of season 2, and at the beginning of season 3! Very short appearances tho

Miguel Fernandes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-24 13:42:39 Watch Black Clover the movie 🙏🐐
2023-06-24 13:42:39 Watch Black Clover the movie 🙏🐐
2023-06-24 13:42:39 Watch Black Clover the movie 🙏🐐
2023-06-19 18:29:15 Watch Black Clover the movie 🙏🐐

Watch Black Clover the movie 🙏🐐


I definitely think this seasons worse than last season. But you gotta understand that last season was one of the best anime seasons I've ever seen. I can't give a 10 but I'd give last season at least a 9.5 for me. I really enjoyed that Tanjiro started holding it down this season usually tanjiro is like a 2nd or 3rd most powerful human in a scene but this season he really held it down mostly on his own and that is something we hardly got to see before.


Thats what I was trying to say, this season didnt meet my expectations


Before it was an 8 but the last episode definitely hit the perfect 10 for me, the whole nezuko thing rattled my head top completely. It was honestly messed up how they played It off like she was going to die!! Hashira training arc should be amazing though, prepping for the war with Muzan