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the fact that the final scene tells that korra and asami are canon 😄

Kyler Hembree

“You’ve changed the world more in a few years than most avatars did in their lifetime.” Korras journey of resilience and finding your identity will always have a special place for me.


I've been waiting for this finale since I started watching you


Couldnt tell if you picked up on the romantic Korrasami subtext, but this is my favorite LOK coupling


Did you intentionally make episode 12 for the level 3 tier? I can watch episode 11 and 13, but not 12...

Carter Baker

Don so happy you made it through both Avatar shows such amazing stories that I'm glad you got to experience!!!


why is spiderman homecoming tier 3


wait did he not catch that korra and asami are gaying each other???


Yay the ending!!!! Getting more from Kuvira at the end, and then Korra and Asami, I love this season so much. Like others have mentioned in the comments, Korra and Asami end up as a couple together, they were originally wanting to be more explicit and forward with it but they were told no by executives and such, but even them being able to hold hands and have a lil long stare and go on vacation just the two of them really opened up more opportunities in animated shows to showcase LGBTQ+ relationships down the road. A lot of people kinda see this as foot in the door for future shows to expand more and get more and more direct and less having to hide it or stick just with subtext. They got to explore that more with them as a couple in the comics which was amazing, I just wish studios werent (and they somewhat still are in certain ones) so afraid of allowing the show creators to be open about having LGBTQ+ couples/characters in the story. Some of the like breadcrumbs we got leading up to it was Korra only writing to Asami the entire time, when they met back up the small blush and bickering/fight that was imo similar to some of the fights she had with Mako, then their scene at the end together talking and then the vacation itself. I love them as a pair :3 Kuvira also gets more time to develop in the comics as well which is nice. So happy you finished experiencing this series as a whole and enjoyed it!!!!!