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Beast sama

lets gooo we back boys


Another w reaction


You can definitely get a gun legally in Albuquerque NM but Jesse most likely wants an unregistered gun that can't be traced back to him :)

Esteban Garcia maldonado

They get a street gun bc those are not registered so they are not easy to track when u commit crimes with it

Beast sama

Its not hard but its also not easy to buy a gun. You need to get a permit to legally buy one in the store. And in order to get a permit, they do a background test, check to see if you've ever been convicted of anything before, they give you an interview asking why you want the gun and asks about your environment. Also street guns cant be traced since they aren't registered

Pablo Pabuelo

Love that you don’t like Skyler. I actually don’t understand why people defend her.


Omg. Omg. THANK YOU!!

Matthew MacKinnon

theyre the people who put themselves in her shoes, and judge her as someone who has no knowledge of anything outside of what she would realistically know, as opposed to judge her as if she herself has the knowledge that the viewers do. ill be honest, im basically dead center on the skylar thing, i dont like her, i dont hate her, shes just kinda a character, and i aint gonna say you shouldnt hate her, cuz again im pretty neutral on the topic. that being said, the reasoning for defending her, boils down to, she acts how a human would react, when they're both 7 months pregnant, IE hormones aint their friend, and they believe they are about to lose their husband and father of their child, and never in their life be able to see this person again who theyve likely been with every single day for decades. if you're used to something for that long, knowing that it will irreverisbly change, can very much fuck with your mental health, which in turn can cause you to do stupid shit that you yourself probably dont even understand why you're doing, until youve done it, and now regret it. (trust i can write an equal size paragraph of why to hate her as well, starting with the fact that the above only excuses so much. will do it if you want me to as well, to prove i aint just make up that first shit as a reason to defend her cuz i love her or something lmao)


I wouldn't tell my partner. In order to protect them you keep the information from them, then they can claim plausible deniability. And so they can't really be charged for any of the other partner's wrongdoing.

Slime Soup

Jesse bought an unregistered gun because when you buy a gun from a typical vendor they are registered to whoever bought them, and if they are found to be used in a crime or if one of the bullets is found at a crime scene it can be used as evidence

Andre Eames

Also, revolvers (the type of gun Jesse had) doesn’t leave behind bullet casings. So the finger prints can’t be linked to you.


You don't get the gun legally if you plan on doing illegal things with it.


I don't know anybody who liked Skylar's character (not meaning her as an actor). But you do have a good point about her being pregnant i never added that into the equation it makes sense along with the other nonsense going on. But I still don't like her lmao.

Nathan Elkin

I really hope there is a line you wouldn't cross Don, because you can't defend EVERYTHING Walt does.


Aight Don the Skyler hate is really starting to tow the misogyny line lol


if youre joking im sorry for being stupid but if not i just dont see how you can see anything close to misogyny in anything hes saying about skyler hes complaining about her specific actions and hasnt said anything about it being because shes a woman theres no prejudice there towards woman just dislike of a singular person (and yes im aware he doesnt like marie but seriously who does)


Yea he’s definitely gonna fw jane he doesn’t hate marie they’re just adding to skylers stress so shes getting in walts business for some reason idk what kinda coping method dat is

Isac (Welsh_ML)

tbh i think the writer was more mysogynistic, basically wrote a character to be annoying as fuck and easy to hate. probably cos theyre a woman, every woman in this show is displayed in a bad light lol


bro loves waiting a week for no reason