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Yesss been waiting for this

Dean Khalil

Something that is actually brilliant from a writing standpoint that you kind of mentioned is that Korra is finally trying to be the avatar that everyone wanted her to be from Seasons 1-3. Someone acting wise, reasonable, and restraining herself (like not using the avatar state willy-nilly). But after getting an ass-whooping here she realized that she also needs a little bit of her old straight-to-business self, and that is why this season is called balance.

Dean Khalil

Also, I completely agree about Kuvira, she can reeducate me however she wants 🤣 🤣 🤣

Daris Miles

To answer your question about airbending, in book 2 after earth rumble 6 the boulder accuses the blind bandit splitting the money with the kids because he said I saw the kid strike but nothing connected.

Jahsan Grigger

It’s not actually stated by the creators but I think that it’s invisible and Kuvira is basing it off her movement. There has been times in both shows where it can be interpreted as visible or invisible. I think it’s visible if it picks up debris like sand or dust, if if it’s a powerful move it makes a tornado like effect

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

Not gonna lie you're the first creator I've seen that understands what Korra is going through. Depression is some real shit! It takes multiple steps to get out of it, and then you still get set backs.


Don is down bad for Kuvira: the episode


Haha i been waitin for this

Jae Icon

idk why yall thought korra is in fighting shape... toph was literally handling her just show yall she's not in shape physically & mentally. aint way yall think toph could beat korra in her 100% form

Jae Icon

no its not remember in atla when aang defeat toph at earth rumble 6 they said " he strike but ntg was there"

Jahsan Grigger

When Toph and Aang first met and he blew her hot soup for her they reacted to the small tornado he made and clapped, the episode imprisonment aang made a air vortex that Sokka had to see to put the coal in the vortex to shoot at the fire nation soldiers. It shows both being visible and invisible like I Said

Sarah Espin

I hope the show theyre making about kiyoshi is better then LOK. Not a huge fan of this series.

Sarah Espin

Also I agree, Kuvira is a top for sure.

Nathan Elkin

Air bending is only visible if there is dust or plants mixed in it. High off the ground, it should be invisible, but near the ground it should move plants and dust, making it easier to judge speed and direction. It's like how you can't see the wind, but you can see a tornado. The more concentrated and polluted the air is, the more visible.


yall eatin it...?👀

Mike Mallory

people can't see the air, Air benders are some of the strongest benders because other benders couldn't see their element. There's a reason the fire nation wiped out the air nation first.

Matthew MacKinnon

that reason has nothing to do with power, it has to do with the fact the next avatar was an airbender, and they were trying to kill that avatar


Facts. He literally only wanted to ensure he wiped out the new Avatar.