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Ill try record some videos tonight if not then tomorrow.



Yikes. Hope you feel better soon


Get better soon good brotha 🫡

Esteban Garcia maldonado

Dang bro what did u eat!??? and I’m sick too McDonald’s put some shit in my food dude

Hong Ye He

We all hope for a great recovery that will leave you even stronger than before!


Get well soon brother


Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you for the update. We’re hoping you feel better!!!


Feel better Don seven deadly sins episode tn?

Vinny Vinegole

Damn dude sorry to hear that. Shouldn't have eaten those fortune cookies, u know those are just alien poop right 🤨

Aiden Santiago

hey bro hope you feel better much love <3


Get well soon gng

Timothy Ruffner

Dayyummm no rush, feel better🙏


I had food poisoning when I was younger, not a fun time. Take as much time as you need man. And, I know this part sucks, but drink a bunch of water. It could cause some more puking/liquid shits but trust me...dehydration with food poisoning is much worse than just food poisoning. (At least that's my understanding. I ain't a medical professional).

Brady Schwartz

all good man no worries if there no vidoe tonight feel better soon

Julian P

Rest up easy man, can't wait for more Marvel, the next few movies are nuts


NO EXCUSES Don i expect the next 7 Marvel movies to be out within 24 hrs. Jokes aside get well my guy.

Jon Black

Be easy DT