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The problem with Food, water and every other thing that people say should be free is that it cost money to produce it and prepare it. It can't be free so long as it costs something to prepare it otherwise it would need to be government funded which would them mean they cut corners to lower costs and then as a result it has lower quality and in the end people will try to find better alternatives that will again cost money. It is a paradox in a way because of how greed has taken over humanity. The only way for things to become free is if no one gains anything from making it cost something.


dons mentioned the monster in the intro multiple times i thought he would recognize it immediately when it popped up at the beginning of the episode through the portal.lol


Its not much of a paradox we could reliably and easily feed the entirety of the population as well as house all of the homeless people-with just 8% of the military budget but we are just to stupid that’s about it Americans are to dumb and have been brainwashed into thinking socialist or community driven government systems is bad by the big capitalist system that ruined all the socialistic country’s throughout history honestly we could probably even do completely automated and ai farming which would make it easier but under capitalism it wont it will just make it eaiser for companys to fire workers and replace them with cheap labor cause thats what capitalism is its the government siding with the means of production and or capital owners against the working class thats why as long as we live under capitalism and pure capitalistic systems we will be screwed basically because capitalism is doing the exact job its meant to help capital owners make more money while paying working class as little as we possibly are able

Matthew MacKinnon

i think the kist of it is convenience. if everything was free, it would be because you're making your own food/have your own clean water, etc etc, OR, because you have a resource, that you traded for another resource. IE, if you have nothing to offer in the way of service, you have nothing. whereas with the way society is right now, even if you personally dont know how to grow your own food or create something thats needed, you can be paid money to help with one part of the process, and then use that for whatever you need. if everything was free and i didnt know how to do anything yourself, you'd be relying on kindness of others to get by. eventually it would always end up back here imo, because those people would then offer to help the other people who do know how to do things, and pay them in the result of that thing (ie, help me grow these crops, and ill pay you in food), but then when that person needs something other than food, theyd have to find someone willing to pay them in that. eventually people would realize everyone needs a lot of different things, they would come up with a central currency, and this shit would start over again. having money genuinely does make the most logical sense imo if you go down to the roots/basics of it, but then greed is what fucks up capitalism to where you need too much money for simple things like food/water/housing. i think any intelligent society would eventually develop a universal currency (as in CAD in canada, USD in us, etc, not like one for the world necesarilly, but money as opposed to product or services, si what i mean), but i think if that species is capable of greed, its going to end up a flawed system 100% of the time, even if it ends up being the system used 100% of the time. (sorry for the wall of text, very high right now, i tend to just type my thoughts as i have them when i am, i aint mean to write that much lmao)


I as well think necessities for survival of humans should be free cause food is getting expensive i would say more exquisite things you should have to pay for but the bare minimum to survive comfortably and have all the vitamins and nutrients we need we shouldn’t have to pay for that