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Kyler Hembree

yo 5min ago i refreshed yhis page to see if you uploaded and then i got the notification, im so excited


peak fiction🔥😂

Kyler Hembree

Personally I think Book 4 is the best, but I completely understand why 3 is the majority's opinion. I think you will enjoy getting to know Korras character more.

Jahsan Grigger

I think people overlook the meaning of season 4 and the things that a certain character had to get through mentally

Jahsan Grigger

Book 4 is great just not as hype as season 3 imo

Adrian Cimpean (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 06:10:40 you just made my night <3 Don
2023-04-15 19:50:01 you just made my night <3 Don

you just made my night <3 Don

Jae Icon

Can we talk about how much korra have been through in just 1 year? she got her bending take away in Book 1 which is 2 weeks before book 2 and in book 2 she lost her past lives and then 6 month later in book 3 she got poison, cripple and face an near death experience.

Sammy K

Season 4 is decent, the antagonist unfortunately is not as good as season 3.

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

The way they tackle depression in that book is spot on. Throughout Korra, they display realistic topics that occur in modern day life


Season 4 is good in my opinion I think might be my favourite one although very close to season 3 I would say


this my goat season best in all of the verse

Nathan Elkin

So ya... that well written ending with deep implications... BLA!BLA!BLA! haHAA! LEtS GET it! Get a haircut or hit the streets, at least the bad guy had a point this time.

Devin e

I would give season 4 a 7/10. Some stuff in it is great, others not so much. You will like it


Book 3 is easily my favorite, 4 is my next fave. I dont think overall its as strong as 3, but imo its still amazing. like most of LoK it can be kinda slow or take some time to get the ball rolling and come together, but my god it feels so satisfying to me going from book 1 all the way to book 4. I am really excited for you to experience it and where it takes the characters and story. Also Jinora looking like Aang, Korra in the wheelchair crying, yet another low point for her girl can NOT catch a break first losing her bending, then Vaatu severing her connection to past avatars, and now this being poisoned and wheelchair bound, she fuckin SUFFERS to protect the world and she just keeps going, just amazing to me how strong her spirit and resolve is. ATLA and LOK may have very different tones and ways they tackle themes and characters, but it is just so wonderfully done in each series.


3 is my fave, but 4 is right there next to it. Tbh usually it depends on which one I just saw lol, its like having a 9.95 vs a 9.90 to me, just so incredible what they managed to do in the last two books.

Dylan Sunday

Season 4 is great imo. runner up to season 3 I think

Sammy K

Korra is a PHENOMENAL Earthbender. Minus the poison, I wish that fight was longer, it was so much like Aang and Ozai.


this is such an incredible episode, it’s honestly peakkk

Carter Baker

Don I'm really excited for you to see where things go in Season 4. Not quite as hype but tackles such amazing character work in Korra's story. Season 4 is my personal favorite because of how much I can relate to Korra's experiences and choices.