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Guram Papunashvvili

Is kung fu panda next in line or is there anything else lol

Adam Krasnodębski

We made it to Civil War. Now it’s waiting for Infinity War.

William Parker

YEESSSS!!! This is like one of my top 5 marvel movies! Been waiting for this one :)



Game Dragon

You defend their actions in Sokovia a lot, but I just want to point out that while it was Ultron that mostly destroyed the city, it was Stark and Banner that MADE Ultron. Had they done nothing from the beginning, everything would have been fine.

Chris Walsh

lets fucking goooooooooooo


in the first avengers they wanted to nuke New York no way you let them call the shots they are idiots


Aaaa so excited 😆




Best boy Peter is finally here!


this basically Avengers 2.5

Ethan VanDerVeer

Bro Dr strange is one of my favs youll love it and his character

Swag Monkey

Yes let’s go

kenny mannino

This is the birthday present I didn't know I needed


I've been waiting for this loved the reaction 👑👑👌

Gastly Touch


Chris Walsh

I literally cannot wait for him to get to infinity war and endgame


Yup Queens and Brooklyn are boroughs, or smaller cities, in New York. Black Panther's head of security, Ayo, and Natahsa fight may be a lot closer than you'd expect. All of the films in Phase Three hit outside of one or two. One of my favorite solo movies is up next.


DON !! are you gonna watch the mcu shows too??


If you think this movie was good wait until you watch Infinity war 😅


He already watched that but still going to be a good reaction

Malique Ransome

This dosent relate but since ur watching real life series u should watch power

Max alcorn

Hell yes. Have had a shit day this is just what I needed


don just a fyi in the little fight at the end between the 2 sides when you asked which would win. Spiderman solo's everyone there at the time of this fight peter would be about 5,000x stronger than the average human anyone he punched or kicked he could have killed if he used full force. can't wait for you to watch the spiderman movies.

Ian Campbell

The shock on Bucky’s superhuman face when Spider-Man stopped a punch from his robotic arm with ease sums it up pretty well!

Ian Campbell

One of those hindsight things. Tony lost almost everything by the end of this movie. -Pepper broke up with him -Childhood friend almost died, now crippled -Lost his entire team basically -Forced to be a government lapdog -Betrayed by one of his best friends Man is left in shambles.


Intangible is the word you are looking for, Don. He can go invisible too, but when he can't be touched, he is intangible.

Xavier Coburn

Tony created ultron and it went around the world and killed millions of people and they had no conscientious

jami vahasaari

brudda wait until you get to infinity war!!

Julian P

Can’t wait till you get to infinity war, u gotta speedrun there man

Joakim Lund

Yes!!! Thank you 🤩

Jae Icon

captin american holding an helicopter is a joke lmfo


Thor ragnarok is my favourite marvel film, Hyped for that one :D


84 likes in less than 24 hours. GET IT TO 100!!!!

Chris Walsh

bring on doctor strange


cant wait for infinity war

Beast sama

Cant wait for Dr Strange and the Spider-Man movies


Can't believe don had no idea what spiderman was on about when he mentioned "empire strikes back" one of the original star wars movies.

KINGxRED248 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 09:38:18 yea he needs to watch the 1-6 in release order and clone wars chronological order... the rest is optional maybe mando season 1&2
2023-04-16 19:19:22 yea he needs to watch the 1-6 in release order and clone wars chronological order... the rest is optional maybe mando season 1&2

yea he needs to watch the 1-6 in release order and clone wars chronological order... the rest is optional maybe mando season 1&2

Lamin Gassama

need dr strange don plssssssssssssss

Amber Reed

I need some more Marvel in my life, Don! What's our ETA on the rest of Marvel part 3?

Lucile Byrd

I always find it frustratingly hypocritical how Steve (and everyone else) can forever hold Tony solely responsible for Ultron and yet not only give Wanda a pass for Lagos (and everything else she has done) but coddle and comfort her as if she didn't directly cause many deaths. Also, Tony (with the aide of Banner, which everyone forgets) was barely indirectly responsible for Ultron since they were never successful in bringing him online, he was brought online by the mind stone. After everything we learn about Wanda and her deep connection to the mind stone, I am more convinced that the stone brought Ultron online by the sheer will of Wanda's desire to cause chaotic destruction and the end of the Avengers. Cap may have some fair points here, but so does Stark, and I believe they are both doing what they think is best while also acting in their own self interests. Tony worked with the government to add checks and balances and a path back to being with Pepper, while Steve chose to be a criminal and work against his current friends to save his past friend. The main reason I do not like Steve is his massive hypocrisy. In Winter Soldier he was so pissy to Fury, the director of a super secret spy organization because he wouldn't share everything with Steve, a grunt who did not have clearance. Yet after learning the truth about Tony's parents, he chooses not to tell Tony that information, and then immediately after Tony finds out Steve jumps in to physically side with and defend the man who killed Tony's parents, without any word of comfort or time to process. As for which side Banner/Hulk would be on, it is Tony's. Banner and Tony are besties and Tony could get him to do anything. Both Tony was working with the information that was available at the time, while Steve was going off an assumption that Zimo wanted to use the other winter soldiers. Both were wrong, but Tony acknowledged his mistake, apologized and went to go help Steve, but Steve never acknowledged he was wrong and never apologized. Also, it is annoying how Steve's side blames Tony for the accords, as if they were his idea and he forced the others to sign, and it was 100% out of line to insinuate that Tony was responsible for what happened to Rhodey! Sorry for this stupidly long pointless comment.