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bruh drop breaking bad wyd?


yea its the pentagon

omry anderson

Young justice? Breaking bad ??


they NEED to get someone to animate unordinary after I saw that they did this I really want them to I feel like it would be amazing especially the fighting scenes with their powers


NOT a recommendation just asking if you've watched blue exorcist before

Edward Regacho

That triple kick hit him it was so fast it hasn’t even hit yet

Andre Eames

Me over here scratching my neck waiting for Don to drop BB, Marvel or Rick and Morty.


Hey Don, I really love your reactions and want to continue seeing you do great with this! However, I was wondering if is there anyway we could get a weekly schedule or a schedule of what you're going to record on a specific day? Or is there somewhere you are already posting that? Patreon subscribers feel like we are in the dark about what's to come which is why people are commenting more about what show/movie is coming next vs actually commenting about the show/movie you posted. It's nothing bad, we all are just genuinely curious and would like an update from time to time.


Don can we sum more shows rick and morty is getting a little bit repetitive


just because you don't enjoy doesn't mean others don't its still doing good


yo don when are u going to start dropping fire force again


He's also not far from finishing it now with only one season left


Even a daily post letting us know what'll be releasing throughout the day would be nice or how often he plans on recording each series, since Rick and Morty seems to be the only show that's getting a consistent release (~1 a day).

Jamel Cornish

Nah don COOLED with that webtoon recommendation that shit is gas I’m on chapter 3


A daily post would be perfect, even if his not planning on releasing anything that day, just a simple heads up saying “no posts today” so that we’re all not constantly checking back to see if anything’s been posted