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Planetina is based on the cartoon Captain Planet from the 90's

Carter Baker

First episode of Rick and Morty to get me teary eyed.

Trentin Horvath

If you think about it. Planetina was born in the mid 90s making her around 20ish and morty only 14…Beth had a good reason to be mad

Chase Doyle

“He is a very mature young man/woman” - said by every groomer ever in this context


tbf, Morty does kinda mess a lot of stuff up whenever he doesn't listen. saw that one coming from a mile away. I'm pretty sure deaths caused by Morty's actions are in the thousands by now.

Nathan Elkin

billions dude. Planets have been lost because of Morty (with Rick's influence of course, one way or another)

Nathan Elkin

I rewatched this show with you up to season 5 because I stopped after season 4 in the past. This past week I watched season 5 and 6, and I have to say, 5 is by far my favorite, although season 7 is probably going to be intense. Season 5 has more individual character moments and story lines than any other season, and I love the growth every family member receives.