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But Do i need to Play resident evil 2 And 3 To Understand whats going on In resident evil 4? 

or can i just pick up resident evil 4 and get whats going on? 



They got a recap but it’s probably better to play them first


I recommend 2 and 3 first although 4 is amazing ngl it isn't super connected but it is somewhat


You play as the same character in RE2 i would reccomend 2 first but there is a recap so its not needed

cameron smith

don't need to play 3, I would recommend playing 2 although they do kind of have a recap at the start of 4 but it doesn't tell you everything.


You'd need to play RE2 to learn about the main character in RE4.


2 is Leon's origin story so definitely worth playing first. RE 1 & 3 follow different characters so you won't really be missing too much other than some lore building


yeah you need to watch young justice ep 5 first then continue to 6 and start from resident evil 2 😁👍


Yes most definitely

dontrell Durant

Don't tell me you're joining the "Remake" wave? Come on bro. Just play the original. It's cheaper and is.... The same game.


better graphics man, its like comparing tetris to god of war