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Osiac Adrian

Hey, Don. I also couldn't swallow pills 'till I was like in my mid 20s. I know, crazy. I always choked on them since I was a kid... a mental thing, nothing wrong physically. Anyway, the way I figured it out (after decades of trying) was like this: Put the pill on your tongue (on the tip, the middle, but never in the back) and then keep drinking your favorite drink as if you don't have a pill there. Just don't think about it and keep drinking. Before you know it (a few gulps), the pill will naturally go with the liquid and you won't even notice it.

Don Townsend

Oh thank you I’m gonna give that a try next time I need to take a pill. Appreciate it 🙌🏾


hmm that's good advice on taking drugs efficiency, i can't imagine if i had a migraine or broken bone and just had to "walk it off" that sounds fun

Nathan Elkin

What a crazy year and a half wait for this video. Time sure flies by.

Sam F

this season is my favorite


So, you should make some merch that says 'ight Boom! on it. Like a t-shirt. lol


I agree. I hear that every time I think of Don 🤣

jami vahasaari

Is there a link somewhere for your discord server? Havent seen it anywhere😅.


seasons 1/2/3 are peak rick and morty ur gonna love this season

Kareem E

They did actually bring the McNugget sauce back at McDonald’s because of this episode


Yo don. You ever gunna go back to the boondocks?

William Parker

And then it immediately sold out cause the show was on an all time high at the time so naturally everyone wanted it and McDonald’s didn’t anticipate that many people wanting the sauce… it was some damn good sauce tho 😋