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Jahsan Grigger

Yakone was bloodbending a whole court room jus goes to show different levels


Do you think you’ll start doing 2 episodes of korra soon like you did with aang?

Matthew MacKinnon

tbh i think its moreso just what he wants to watch/if he wants to keep going after that ep kind of thing, or if he has other shit that are more important/that he wants to do more. i dont think there's a set schedule of how many episodes a day each show has, basically (could be wrong but just going off the other shows, theyll randomly have between 1 - 4 eps when they get uploaded)

Matthew MacKinnon

think about the original person who taught katara bloodbending, the old lady hama. she bloodbent sokka and aang at the same time, and it was stated that her bending was weaker than katara's at the time, so she was strong, but not like unique bender strong, yet she could still do 2. its not that much of a stretch to say a unique bender likely in their prime, with that unique ability being extra strong bloodbending, could do 9 without much issue


Yeah I just miss the often 2 episodes, not complaining just was nice.


Both Tenzin and Omni-Man are voiced by J.K. Simmons btw


so glad we getting a few episodes of them older soon 🥹hopefully you can post those on youtube