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Is This show Any Good? i Liked The First To Episode but does it have a story to it? 



don’t think u’d like it don. it’s not like Avatar which is a kids show but is also decent for adults, it’s like legit a kids show through and through


Echoing others, it has a slow start but I’d consider it on ATLA level, just with more music. I think the big difference is the art style is very much in line with a show for children, since that was the target demo. Still tackles issues of war, PTSD, childhood trauma, abuse and neglect, the works. It just takes more episodes to actually realize “oh shit there’s a plot underneath all this silly kid stuff”. If you wanna speedrun it, just watch the movie and then you’ll know all the plot points. You’ll just have to gauge if the stuff they remind the viewer of is something you wanna see first hand. Tl;dr the complex issues are softened a lot by mildly annoying child protag but it gains traction when Things Start Happening


Okay yeah I went a bit far in my sales pitch 💀nothing can really hit the avatar precedent.


the themes get more serious as it goes, one of the best things about this one was that it grew up with the kids it was made for, slowly handling more and more serious tones like emotional trauma and mental health.


You should Watch Young Justice 🔥🔥 Fire series I tell you. And the story lines and plot twist, animation and are amazing 🔥


Don u need to watch gravity falls!!!


I’m fr bout to comment Untill u watch atleast the first episode of gravity falls so u know what I’m talking bout


Gravity falls is funny asf and super mysterious the best cartoon ong


Alot of Controversy behind this show it seems, I never watched it growing up (28 now) and I honestly have been wanting to give this show a chance. Don, if you are looking for other decent cartoons there are a few I would recommend. Adventure Time (Kinda cheesy at times but its like a good cheesy) Another really good one was Regular Show and the original Teen Titans (Not teen titans go *Shivers* ) What makes these cartoons good (in my opinion, not everyone will have the same thought, thats up to you to decide) Is the adult level of humor that they have. Things I didnt really get as a kid but now 100% understand. Its like going back and finding a hidden gem

omry anderson

Bro finish boondocks 😢


Probably wasn't doing well on YouTube and got dropped.

Don Townsend

Nah it wasn’t that it wasn’t doing well YouTube kept on making it age restricted on the channel 🙃


Right 🔥, best show but they do take forever with the season drop,🤣🤣

Beast sama

So no more Boondocks even for Patreon? You can at least make it for paid subs

Don Townsend

maybe at some point when i have more time but for now its unlikely. cause i was very much enjoying the show maybe instead of the whole season i could watch certain episodes ill think of something

Daris Miles

Don! Listen after avatar was done this was the only cartoon that even remotely touched avatar.

Mr Evol

This show does get good, but it is one of those things where it doesn't start getting good until like episode 25, doesn't start getting really good until like episode 48, and doesn't hit peak until season 4, so it might be a tough watch.


Honestly I think you'd love this show for its music, you should do a video of just some of the awesome songs as a preview of how good it all gets


ever thinking of picking this back up