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Next Movie Will Be The Avengers! 


Nathan Elkin

Guess it’s time for Chris Evans


Lol bro your lack of knowledge about the war made this reaction extremely funny.

Vaz Pazzaz

Moana is my favorite Disney movie


Just putting this out here, the Captain America trilogy is the best in the MCU. I will not budge on this.

Matti Yliluoma

Is nobody gonna talk about that wallpaper at the end😂


Bro like titties I respect it. I'm an ass man personally

Ian Campbell

Cannot wait for the avengers reaction, you’re gonna love it


We dropped The first atomic bomb, named Little Boy, on Hiroshima on Aug 6th 1945 then again 3 days later on Nagasaki. There is a story about a guy that survived the first bombing, took a train to where the second one hit and survived that one as well. To be fair, no one knew the second one was gonna happen 3 days later.

Andre Eames

The reaction to the trailer was top tier lol

Gastly Touch

If your considering watching Disney although this isn’t from Disney you should watch the Kung Fu Panda trilogy another good one I’m not sure where it’s from it might be Disney but it’s called Turbo


Thanks finally 😭 please don’t have us wait long again

Gastly Touch

Bro Don you mind explaining that desktop screen at the end?

Cardenasada Taco

bro asked if america was in ww2 hahaha


good wallpaper

Kernaisha Gaines (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-05 02:59:45 I hope Avengers comes soon! The MCU really takes off at that point. Also, you asked why they were so eager to join. Before the 1970’s, the US was a very “communalistic” society (the Caucasian population at least) and giving everything you were or had for your country was seen as an honor and duty. Some men who were ineligible to fight offed themselves, it was that deep. You should watch Saving Private Ryan & Hacksaw Ridge. Both take place during WW2 in different locations and are amazing movies. Even watching movies like Transformers (2007) will show you how much nationalism and military influence is pushed in our films/TV.
2023-01-29 17:25:00 I hope Avengers comes soon! The MCU really takes off at that point. Also, you asked why they were so eager to join. Before the 1970’s, the US was a very “communalistic” society (the Caucasian population at least) and giving everything you were or had for your country was seen as an honor and duty. Some men who were ineligible to fight offed themselves, it was that deep. You should watch Saving Private Ryan & Hacksaw Ridge. Both take place during WW2 in different locations and are amazing movies. Even watching movies like Transformers (2007) will show you how much nationalism and military influence is pushed in our films/TV.

I hope Avengers comes soon! The MCU really takes off at that point. Also, you asked why they were so eager to join. Before the 1970’s, the US was a very “communalistic” society (the Caucasian population at least) and giving everything you were or had for your country was seen as an honor and duty. Some men who were ineligible to fight offed themselves, it was that deep. You should watch Saving Private Ryan & Hacksaw Ridge. Both take place during WW2 in different locations and are amazing movies. Even watching movies like Transformers (2007) will show you how much nationalism and military influence is pushed in our films/TV.

Adam Uthman

Based in this comment I would’ve thought your pp would be bundz init