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Lucile Byrd

Honestly this is my favorite season, not because the episodes are all better, I feel they are as good as the 1st 2 seasons. But because it shows what life is like for the fire nation citizens. People watching the show think and feel as Sokka and Katara and other non fire nation characters we come across, that all of the fire nation is bad because of that their fire lords have led their army into! Noone thinks about how this effects the fire nation citizens, like that little fishing village in this episode, or even the upbringing and education that is nothing but lies and propaganda, as we saw in the 1st episode. Also, Sokka never had a problem stopping to help every little earth kingdom town and village they came across, so his bigotry is kind of showing here when he refuses to help this fire nation village.

Gastly Touch

Can you please watch Kung Fu Panda it has three movies which are all amazing


Because the spirits are not supposed to interfere with the real world. Only guide people


I also read it as the river being polluted blocked her/prevented her from appearing. Hei Bai was directly effected by his forest being destroyed so I don’t think it’s unreasonable for the Painted Lady to also be impacted by changes to her river

Jesus Gallardo

Kung Fu panda and how to train your dragon are goated dreamworks trilogies.