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the useful sakura we all wanted who can heal and fight and without those 2+years of training 🤭

Tyler Denny

Appa's mentality= "My master is a pacifist, I however.. am not."


Long way off yet, but when you finish Avatar it might be worth checking out The Dragon Prince on Netflix. Co-written by one of the head writers of Avatar. It’s not as goated as ATLA and the animation starts off jank but worth checking out even if it’s not for video.

Nathan Elkin

Just watch the last four together. It's really the last 3 that go together, but I figure you wouldn't just watch episode 17 by its self.

Nathan Elkin

I always thought it was weird Roku told him to teach Aang fire bending even though Roku knows the elements have to be learned in a specific order, but I think he knows what kind of person Aang is, the pressure that's on Aang to learn in such a short time, and that something like this could happen that would give Aang a deeper level of responsibility for things that are dangerous like fire. It's more the mentality needed to fire bend when you start as an air bender that will help Aang challenge his own sense of control and freedom. Aang needed to grow up, and this episode helps him do that a little bit. I also think the reason the elements have to be learned in a specific order because of how they balance each other. If air is freedom, then water is balance, and then earth is reliable, whereas fire is changing. Freedom to balance to stability to responsibility. Each compliments the next, and too much of any one of them can cause stagnation in your opinions. The avatar has to see the world from everyone's perspective to be able to help everyone.

Nathan Elkin

Each bending style is based off real life martial arts, and that's why the fighting always seems consistent and dynamic. They are using stances and fighting styles from the real world to highlight the differences in bending.