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Don the amount of views you are gna get for this bro. Lol top series


omfg. YES.

Andre Eames

Is there an East pole?!?! 😂😂😂


Also you said you heard about Korra, that's a "definitely watch" too, after this one of course.


Broooooo the community really came through on that last post asking for shows

Nathan Elkin

People like to say the beginning is slow, but I really appreciate how much time they take to make you comfortable with the world before introducing more series tones to the show.


the same people who skip all anime filler will watch avatar tho, and tbh after rewatching it after watching it as a kid, the whole goddamn show is basically filler lmao.

Nathan Elkin

It’s not filler because the themes of the show are about balance and compassion, and they use the entire world as a character to tell part of that story.

Ian Campbell

A lot of your questions will be answered as time passes in the show

Adam Krasnodębski

Some people will literally call everything that isn’t a super exciting fight scene that pushes the story forward a filler.


The thing is that this show is kinda before it's time.... They should just get a reboot by a fire animation studio

Keelan Brown

They gotta a lot of combinations of animals in this show so beware