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coming from a daughter that had a Father that would do the same it made me feel safe and I felt pride for my Father that he would do anything for his daughter. Her getting mad at him when shes safe is annoying. Cause u know she would find a way to be mad at him still if he didn't save her. ugh i hate when she get mad at him its so sad (but she is the only one that can keep him in check or talk him down)


( but if my dad killed innocent people to save me I would be upset but I wouldn't throw it in his face all the time because i couldnt imagine being in his position no understand the remorse he might feel) (ik jessie doest know who he killed but shes immediately thinking the worst


when she said "how many terrible things are you going to do to protect me" i understand her pov. becasue from our pov we are on wells side but if the only reason he gives her is "Because Im your father" that would make anyone daughter guilty. (like yeah i would feel safe knowing my father would do anything for me but still) Wells almost got innocent people killed for her she allowed to feel the way she does. Im on Wells side cause i had a wonderful protective (not in a bad way) father but i can understand where jesse comes from even if it does come out whiny and bratty