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"women dont like men in their feelings so we cant show them" that explains alottttttt about how u act and speak uhm most women are the opposite sooo stop acting crazy. also the men crying thing u said, it's worse when u can see them holding it back and trying their hardest not to cry like girllll cringee

Tatum McCormick

definitely men are the reason men don’t show their feelings. Phrases like “man up” and “don’t be such a pussy” or “grow a pair” are all anti-feelings phrases and were note invented by women. It’s not that women don’t like men showing feelings, it’s when men show feelings in destructive ways (lashing out, moping about, projecting, being dismissive towards others’ feelings but expecting their feelings to be respected). Don’t get me wrong, there are both men and women who don’t like showing feelings, but because the statement was super generalized and said with conviction that it’s women who don’t like men showing feelings, I felt an explanation to clarify that the actual generalization is that society has plenty of practices of suppressing emotions and since society is built off of and is patriarchal, then it makes sense to say that it is men who have promoted not showing feelings.