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Brayden Guenther

yo don we gotta see the rest of the Jurassic movies, those reactions were fireee

kirbo ghost king

I think what happened to your info on the left in the last episode was that, that episode was a Arrow episode but whatever your watching it on brought it to the flash, BUT for some reason it thought episode 9, which is technically this episode (Hopefully that makes sense)


It was NOT Joe’s fault

John Dillon

Yea when you buy flash on prime it includes the arrow episode crossover and reliables it as S2 ep9


Cat Lin 😭 bro Kaitlyn a common ass name too😂

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

25:50 She had 20 years to get her life together... Big fail on her part

Isaac Brown

i guess thats pretty helpful for people like don who would never see the full crossover otherwise do they do it for elseworlds and stuff?

Isaac Brown

you gon learn with all this slight shit talking you doing bout barrys mum lmaoo


Because you haven't said it in a while, bro fuck Iris





The goat

The reason why he hasn’t said it in a while because there is no reason to she is not annoying she was in season 1 but not in the other season there might be some sence of her being annoying but some times Barry Joe Wally and other people they get annoying to but I don’t see People talking about it and if you really hate her then blame the director not the actor she is just doing her job you guys act like she is not doing what she is supposed to do and going off script

Super Saiyan God

Wally is short for Wallace West. I know you know NOTHING about Flash comics, but Wally West THE fastest and most powerful Flash out of all the flashes.


I know, I've watched up to and some of season 4 of the flash I think, it was supposed to be more of a joke than comment on her character development as Don said it nearly every episode in s1 it became somewhat of a running joke

Super Saiyan God

There is a REASON why he didn't go back and "save" his mom. Just keep watching the show and you'll see why since you haven't read any flash comics nor seen any of the flash animated movies it seems.


Your take on drug addiction is very close to the truth I have been addicted for the past 6 years I am now a month sober planning on making it a lifetime but I wouldn’t take it back as my experiences have made me who I am. (I’m only 19)


This reaction sucked, my man kept pausing and yapping every 5 seconds. I don't mind pause and discussion about certain things. but this episode he was doing that every line that was said.... you need to control yourself. let characters finish their conversation fully, then pause and say what you have to say. don't pause after every single word they say


bro paid to see someones reaction to get mad at them for reacting

Matthew MacKinnon

(didnt realize how much i wrote til after, dont @ me for the rambling essay lmao) your body gets physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking a drug, or stop drinking....to the point that liquor stores were still considered an essential business during covid and had to stay open, because if they closed, the alcoholics who drank a lot being forced to suddenly stop, they can literally die from the withdrawal. you're right when saying its a choice, but its not as simple as just "well just dont do it"....you're body and mind are essentially screaming at you to go get more, because it has started to rely on it to function, and literally can no longer function properly without it in some cases, which is why you normally have to like wean yourself off of it, but most people with addicition issues have trouble with portioning things, so if they have some, theyll likely take/drink it all. long story short, yes it was their choice, but once you're already addicted, especially if its a physical addiction, its verrryyyyyy different to try to make the decision to not get more, compared to someone who isnt. Addiction also has a major genetic component as well, meaning if you're parents, or grand-parents, great-grandparents, etc etc, had addiction issues, you're more likely to as well. So it definitely isnt always the fault of the person.....the issue here, was that she passed out and had her daughter in front of an open flame while not watching her, i dont think the issue was the drugs itself, as Joe was trying to help them through the drug issues by bringing them to rehab, i think the main issue was just the fact that she was being negligent as a parent, so basically the drugs started negatively impacting the lives of others as well, not just herself


Take a look around. This isn't comparable to the degree others take things. Also, listen to what he says when he speaks. He's not being objectively shitty.


I've seen this show years ago and never noticed that. Watching again I still didn't notice. Thanks for the heads up! Who doesn't love some Mark Hamill?!?


All im saying he should just let the conversation come to an end, then pause and say what's on his mind, but he keeps pausing after every line and keeps asking questions and talks about things that would get instantly explained in the next line if he just waited 2 more seconds.


Then don’t watch it. Guess what you can see this show for FREE without don you bozo

Virge Redux

It’s a reaction for a reason? And this video isn’t that much longer to the original episodes length wtf?!?!?


wth is episode 8 and 9

Jo Mac

bro forgot about episodes 8 and 9

Aidan Mccoun

He watched ep 8 and 9 because he mentioned them in his arrow reaction? Idk why he didn’t post them here?


he’s actually become so forgetful, bro can’t even remember the character’s names

Virge Redux

Dondon episode 8 and 9 is still locked 🤠

Aidan Mccoun

fr it’s weird bc he seems like he cares about the shows and he likes watching them and he uploads them a ton but then can’t remember basic plot points or characters…

Virge Redux

In his discord someone sent a screenshot of episode 10 and said “waiting for this is a pain :(“ he responded and unlocked the episode forgetting about 8 and 9, tryna get his attention.


episode 8 and 9 are still locked Don

Adil Ibrahim

Maybe this unlocked earlier than it should have or maybe he just forgot to unlock 8 and 9 alongside this

Adil Ibrahim

Also eps 8 and 9 are up on here its just still locked for peeps who are at lvl 2 :)

Rj Balla

I just think he forgot he is busy with seeing his kid and getting ready for the trip to Japan

Aidan Mccoun

don’t let this be a star wars ep 9 redo where u forgot to react to an entire movie before the last one 💀


Don drop ep 8 and 9


bruv forgot 8 and 9


I don't understand Barry, hes literally the fastest man alive, and runs at about 1,000 mph. Why doesn't he just rush take the villains in the star labs cell??? He's done it before.

Virge Redux

Akshually from my calkulashions he has ran at the speed of lightning which is over 200k mph 🤓☝️

D3ADSH0T _21

record that 10 episodes or arrow before you leave plssssssss

Booga Looga

you do realize that there wouldnt be a point in having a flash show if he just does that to every villain lol it would be boring as hell

Blix Norman

wheres ep 8 and 9 for lvl 2



Enyioma Emeka-Okeke

The wand is weather wizard’s classic weapon in the comics

Elvys Wynns

Where is ep 8 and 9 for lvl 2 people

D3ADSH0T _21

i was watching kung fu panda 4, don quick question or if anyone in the comments can answer has don watched madagascar

Justin Ross

patty didn't see the flash suit bc he was with Oliver fighting vandal savage at that time

Charlie Richards

I agree that he could easily defeat certain enemies with his speed but it would be a very boring show if he just ran in and out in seconds.

Soud Alsalman

the trickster "Mark Hamill" is Luke Skywalker btw


mark hamill who voice the joker and has the most iconic joker voice and laugh plays a trickstar who could end getting called joker in this universe maybe i mean well deserving for someone who has voice the character for over 20 years with cartoons and video games and even in this episode he acts like the joker. And am I the only 1 who feels like mark is trying to have this trickstar character be joker bc he is using his voice that he does for joker for this role and the way he dress it's almost the same as the joker and even when he did the broadcasting and in the factory it just reminds me so much of joker in the shows, movies and games


also looks like a lightsaber and there using it against someone who is teamed up with a jedi lol

Lukastace NovaSword

"You guys don't have to hug, you got a girl" Don. Please 💀 I know you love Patty and hate Iris but let 2 people hug ffs

Greg Hall

Don has been waiting EPISODES for the opportunity to call Iris a hypocrite 😭😭😭😭


Release ep 11!!!!!!

Lucile Byrd

Iris' hypocrisy just now popped into your head, a few episodes later?