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Jack Whiteman


Jack Whiteman


Aiden Gale

don you really need to grind out a few seasons of the arrow otherwise your going to be getting spoiled all the time

Bayan Watson

bro run the arrow non stop for a bit then head back to the flash. website again in case you lost it: https://arrowverse.info/?newest_first=False&hide_show=constantine&hide_show=freedom-fighters&hide_show=vixen&from_date=&to_date= (I took out a few of the shows that don't matter)


season 2 is goated

Draven Scott

You want to know why the reverse flash hates Barry, you don’t find out until season 8 or 9 I can’t remember but kinda spoiler ( bro was just really petty).



The goat

yes, it is it's around the end of season 2 and it will spoil arrow season 4


Imagine how it felt watching this as it came out. I bought this blu ray, and the pain when I saw ep 23 and was distraught at the cliffhanger

Desi Cr

i would suggest catching up on arrow next so that you don't get spoilers from the flash and so the crossover episodes make sense


When I first started watching the flash I was in 10th grade during the beginning of Covid lockdown and beginning of season 2 really confused me. But I did start watching arrow before I finished season one for the crossover episodes


The amount of stuff that got spoiled is crazy dc legends season 2 ect


I never watched arrow until after s3 of flash and I was perfectly fine on the story. Yall just “want” him to watch it now, he doesn’t need to. He can do both just like he is


In hindsight yes he created the wormhole just to talk to his mother but Barry didn’t expect future him to tell him not to save her. How are you gonna disagree with yourself?

Josh Z

Albus Dumbledore said it best “mysterious thing time, powerful and when meddled with dangerous.” Time travel of this kind of magnitude is highly unpredictable, and moreover it wouldn’t affect time from the point that reverse flash travels back to that night from. Barry’s future self knew that which is why he made the gesture for present Barry not to do anything, at least that’s my interpretation. The general idea is that saving his mom could have seriously fucked up the timeline which was already paradoxical, which doesn’t seem like a big deal until you realize that the only reason Barry is the flash in the parodox reverse flash created is because the event that gave him his powers happened early.


Brother the entire as in every single legends crew member just got referenced + killer frost we’ve got bigger issues then Robin Hood


Dc legends second best after the flash of that universe honestly considering all seasons


And he never once said he was going to watch all of this shi. This is why stuff doesn’t get finished, bc yall expect him to watch all these different shows, or stop one watch the next then other stuff comes out. You can’t expect him to watch the whole verse at once bruh let him enjoy how he wants to

Dean Khalil

Could we get a few clone wars lol

Konner Cragun

To understand why Barry didn’t save his mom you’d have to see season 3. You’ll see in future episodes especially why Barry didn’t save his mom


Future Barry knew the consequences of messing with time & that event in particular. It would’ve done more harm than good.

Bayan Watson

its more enjoyable if its in order, not only for us but more importantly for him

Bayan Watson

@bojacks just because you watched it in the wrong order and liked it doesn't mean you would not have liked it more if you had done it in the correct order. every small detail adds up and if you watch the verse in order its more enjoyable. If you are skipping parts and looking for answers 24/7 its just not fun to watch. No one asked him to watch the whole verse at once, in fact its the opposite, we are asking for him to take it one step at a time so he finds it easier to understand. If he choses not to finish the show it's not going to be because we asked him to watch it in the right order. He continued the MCU in the right order, and other shows he quit since they were not getting views or he didn't enjoy them.

Good Morning Gamers

From here on you should watch up through at least S3 of Arrow before continuing to avoid being spoiled

Jack Whiteman

I just finished the final episode Don. I just want to say thank you from all of us. For listening to us and continuing. The flash from just that one episode we’ve all loved it so much and we know you’re gonna love season two and three as well but this is definitely my reaction series that you have done And also thank you for getting it out to us so fast as well much love brother ❤️⚡️


Don is a cutie patootie😁


is like a movie when you release 2 episodes at the same time. Thanks


He have said that he doesnt watch million seasons of arrow to watch 1 episode of the flash, so even if you comment this hundred times, his decision will not change. He will probably start season 2 tomorrow or in 2 days.


Iris is happy about caitlin's and ronnie's marriage and right away complaining 😅. Im annoyed about these reactions to Irises actions, don't get me wrong i 100% get it why people are annoyed about Iris but this thing that even if Iris breath air is enough to complain. Just annoying, maybe more annoying than Iris herself (sometimes not tbh, cause Iris says some/many stupid things😅). I really hope these over 1 minute complains do not continue in future flash episodes cause sometimes (mostly) i just fast forward iris parts, because of these overcomplainings. But these reactions are the best of all reactions i have watched so far♥️, can't wait for The Flash season 2 to start cause its great season. Thanks for the Season 1 of The Flash though. 😊 And also can't wait for Season 3, that villain is my favorite.


You will learn why Barry didnt save her mom or why future flash says or more like shows to not save her.

Pancho Martinez

when will clone wars return? im loving the flash but clone wars in like 3 episodes is about to pick up speed so nicely

James Mcdonald

if your future self stops you from doing something wouldn't you listen to him

kirbo ghost king

Future him said no don. If future me says don’t do something he probably knows better or already experienced what happened if I did it. (Edit Eddie’s death didn’t really affect me when watching this finale idk why)


If you go back to when Barry starting to time travel, you can see future events of the show as he speeds up

ninja hyper

season 2 is more powerful


Can’t wait for season 2. Tbh I think you should watch until season 6. It’s not as amazing as the first 3-4 seasons but it’s not bad and the story is pretty intriguing.

samuel bonarrigo

the finale Just came out and I can't wait for season 2 episode 6

Alen The ALl-in

2 things. 1 If the future Flash with more experience says dont do it, I wont. 2. Never really liked Eddie so I didnt care when he died

Alen The ALl-in

I just dont. He is chill but disent have enough character for me to care about him. And its just my opinion.


finished in 2 weeks is crazy

samuel bonarrigo



Don gotta start paying attention bro 😭😭😭


It’s time for Hunter.


I mean you have watched the show from the beginning and based on Barry stopping joe from getting killed before and then cisco getting kidnapped proves that if he saved her something worse would happen. besides the flash there told him not to do anything cause he already knows what happens...


now u are in for imo the best season of the show


When we gonna get that broly movie reaction??

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

37:30 Technical she's right though. You are trading a guarantee with a risk cause you don't know what kind of life you'll have if you dave your mum.

Rakoon Shampoo

I feel like everything that got shown of the future isn’t anymore spoilery than say a trailer. It’s not like he knows what’s going to happen in the future based on this.


Bro he’s not you, yall needa quit tryna force him to watch what he doesn’t need to


Again. You’re trying to tell me how I would enjoy something. It’s my life you bot. There is no specific order, when these authors made the shows they didn’t say “watch it this way or you’ll be confused” they created great crossovers and let people watch it as they CHOOSE. So gtfo off his meat bro


Thank you, these kids acting like it's life or death when arrow gets watched. He's not taking a break to watch 3 seasons of arrow so just live it or leave. By the time he did that everything from s1 of flash will be forgotten


It’s funny to make fun of her though


Yes, but im not talking about laughing that. I talk about complaining with raised voice


It aint that serious yall, a 10 second reference cannot ruin 23 hours of a season. He already said what he's doing in the intros.

Luke Ferguson

You should also watch at least the 2nd season of the mandalorian, its even better than the first.

Chad Higgins

Barry didn’t save his mom because his future self said not to. He was originally fully planning on it

soham patankar

Eddie character arc is cool if you know the entire story and comics combined. But we here shall not spoil the fun

Qj S

Moving on to the best season of the show


I recommend Star Trek (2009 Movie) I think you'd be into it

David Defterigos

If you want to know who the guy was who stopped barry from saving his mom and fighting the reverse flash, you need to watch all the way to s9, or just skip to s9, but thats no fun

Gastly Touch

Eddie does have character a lot actually you just have bad media literacy but your option is your opinion at the end of the day and I respect it

Clayton Hughes

He’s already seen all of the fights which is like 80% of the movie lol. He already said he might not watch the movie because of that


He should just watch the whole show. Granted, its not as good as the previous seasons, but it still has story in it.


Simple, it was future Barry and season 9 is middest thing ever


Yeah I agree but I don’t think he will tbh lol


I have one series to recommend that you should watch its amazing. Its called Tranformers Prime, it have 3 seasons season 1 and 2 the longest ones and season 3 is kinda short and also there is movie after season 3 its called Tranformers prime beast hunters: predacons rising


U should do s2


I really loved the storyline of season 5, just found Nora super fucking annoying


Hold up, you speaking about the same Don that can not remember literally any of the main character's names? He's guaranteed going to forget the spoilers...


Everyone stop with the arrow thing. You're acting as if the spoilers are in every scene of the season... Plus this is the same Don that still gets the main character's names wrong, I don't think he's going to remember the spoilers.


Stop with this arrow thing, he is simply not watching 3 seasons of arrow first

Mohammad Khan

His future self said not to do it and a part of Barry I guess low-key knew that he shouldn’t be doing something like this that will have crazy affect to time

Rakoon Shampoo

Mostly I’m just worried he’ll miss watching the other shows’ episodes of the crossover events. If anyone has a direct line to Don, I think he should know the deal with crossover events since he had said he wasn’t looking at that list that was given to him.

Llewellyn Jantjies

Future Barry has been through some shit, trust him.

shane coleman

If he doesn't become the flash then he won't be with Iris...Barry you have to do it lol


I 100% agree but I was comparing to another guy saying the flash spoiled so much from the arrow so ye

Bryan Castillo

Can’t wait for season 2 🔥

David Defterigos

watching you watch the Flash makes me feel like i'm watching it for the first time again


yeah i agree 100% but later on she becomes less annoying. i do hope he watches more than season 4 tho

William Parker

I don’t remember if it’s explained later but something I just deeped is that when Eddie killed himself and that killed reverse flash, that basically just undid the event of reverse flash killing his mom. So in theory that meant in Barry’s timeline he should have had his mom back and his dad should have been out of prison but since the events in his timeline (his mom dying and his dad being in prison) can’t be undone, his timeline got fucked and I think that’s why the black hole showed up… again idk if this was something that was explained later but it’s something I just realized

Dc Jerome

I felt the same way first time watching it now It’s a little better but still didn’t Care when he died

Dc Jerome

Yea tbh I been skipping over the iris complaints to some are valid and then Like you said she breathes and it’s a problem 😂


Batman really needs to slap Barry for that one ngl

Justin Ross

@williamparker no Barry’s mom dying is a fixed point in history it can’t be changed without consequence

dooba dooba

If you want some brain fuckery: Nora's death was in the past of Eddie's committing suicide. Reverse Flash (RF) shouldn't exist after Eddie's death, but should before Eddie's death as Eddie wasn't dead then. So past RF before Eddie's death killed Nora, Present RF after Eddie's death shouldn't have existed and thus blipped out of existence. The reason why the past and future are seperate, is because the separation is due to a Paradox of RFs' Actions causing his ancestors death, but if Eddie was dead, RF wouldn't have been there to set the actions to kill him


It’s not a fixed point lol fixed points can’t be broken no matter what he would try he could stop it but he doesn’t like the consequences

Justin Ross

@jamie no I mean its a point in time that’s unfixable there have been times where Barry changes something and there aren’t consequences

Blix Norman


DBZ Petty Fanatic

Trust me Don…..the answers to your questions are gonna come but you have to keep watching….as the seasons go by you see the reasons for the choices…as well as the consequences of said choices…and also….and I hope you watch until the end because season 9 comes around full circle to answer your questions of what you asked in this one about Nora

Virge Redux


Virge Redux

Season 6/7/8 is gonna make him stress the hell out, “BARRY WTF” “Stfu Iris”.

Alexis Georgiadis

Dude really told iris “then die bitch I don’t care” lmaoooo 😂😂😂😂 I’m dying

Wilmer Reyes

Actually in S9 of the flash SPOILER ALERT!!…when Barry goes back to that day and meets thawn after he kills his mom Barry reveals to thawn that killing his mom was a fixed point in time, it was MEANT to happen

Virge Redux

It’s just funny to hate her atp, when she’s annoyed you so much that you can’t get annoyed anymore (or at least he thinks she can’t get more annoying lol) you just wanna shit talk her every single time 😂

Virge Redux

I watched 7 seasons of the flash without watching a single arrowverse show and I was fine (crossover episodes don’t count, nor does black lightning), it gives extra little info but it’s not that deep. He’s already starting season 2 so I don’t think he’ll pause it just so he can take 2 weeks to watch Arrow, I understand Arrow is the father of it all but yeah I just don’t think he needs to do all of that.

Game Dragon

I love the Flash, but I definitely wouldn't want Don to watch 9 seasons of it.

DBZ Petty Fanatic

I get that a lot of people don’t like it but I also don’t want Don still left with 20 million questions that will be answered in the last 4 seasons but he never get those answers if he stops and doesn’t finish it

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Its pretty obvious why he didnt save her, another flash told him not to meaning it turns out badly

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

I remember watch8ng this the day it came out, i couldnt believe the cliff hanger they left us on


“So long and thanks for all the fish” is a line from a movie called The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy


Then you have some problems. If you would in real life just shit talk someone that is annoying its just not okay. Its totally fine to be annoyed and dislike someone, but if that person just literally live normal life its not okay to shit talk about that person. Everyone still can do whatever they want but its just not very wise.


Ok so apparently the flash ages slowly but I just don’t understand how he could live 136 more years especially considering everyone around him that isn’t a speedster would be dead, so what I think is that in the future there is someone who is using his suit and portraying themselves as the flash and thawn just so happened to find out about the original which is Barry. Cuz in the comics after Barry dies, Wally puts on his suit and becomes The Flash in place of Barry so that’s my theory, but if I’m wrong then poor Barry all alone for decades


The Flash has yellow lightning in comics. But this CW version has orange because of the CGI.


You'll learn about it later in the series like season 2 or 3


Already watched the entire series…they still don’t give a good explanation trust me I’ve watched the entire series 4 times already

Toamsz Kozak

I don't understand why he doesn't understand,he already watched flashpoint ,he already know how bad the reality can change when Barry mess with the past


No, but why would he travel to the far future? name me a comic that explains why Barry ran to the far future where thawne was born and I’ll read it

Jáchym Hulswit

Barry didn’t go to the future, but Thawne went to the past to meet the Flash. Thawne is a psychopath and he wanted to be the Flash so he created the negative speed force and traveled back to the time Barry was at his peak, to prove he was better. And because he couldn’t beat Barry he started to hate him more and then he went back and killed his mum.


Are you referring to the comic reason or CW reason because Comic has multiple reason but the CW one was that flash saved the crowd that Thawne was going to save and he didnt mention traveling back in time till after he hated the flash so that way he could figure out who he was and what time period he is from…if he had traveled back in time before he hated him then he wouldn’t of had to find out what time period he was from while hating him…yes Thawne wanted to be the flash which is why he re created what happened to Barry but he didn’t know it would be the negative speedforce, he got speed wanted to prove he was better and then when he couldn’t be and in the few when flash saved his crowd that’s when he created so much hatred which in turn created the negative speed force(since it’s ran by hate) I definitely do agree with you on your reason tho

sam Bigirindavyi

The reason the future flash told him not to do it will be explained later in the show.

sam Bigirindavyi

I finished the show a couple years ago but I still don’t understand, maybe I missed something.


Just from comics Barry going back in time always mess something up.


I thought it had something to do with his cells?


"Well at least Cait gets a happy ending" 😭😭


If you keep going at your current pace, you'll know in a few weeks (why he didn't save her)

Beast sama

Barry chose to trust his future self. Not sure why his future self said not to save her but we'll find out