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The Flash season 2 episode 1 premiered on October 6, 2015 Arrow season 4 episode 1 premiered on October 7, 2015

Jacob Du

Iris gets infinitely more annoying in later seasons lol


Don who do you hate most? Skyler White or Iris?

Elliott Bustos

Iris is very annoying lol and it doesn’t get better


Literally just finished ep 20 this is perfect love that ur loving the show I took a sick day just to binge eps cuz I was 12 when this first came out in 2014, and ur not the only one who finds iris annoying at times🤣


Don, if you think she’s annoying now, just be prepared to drop the show about 2-3 seasons down the line. Writers have destroyed her character to the point she received hate, and racist comments online.

William Parker

Yes Iris is annoying af. Barry needs to realize he’s too good for that girl 😮‍💨


annoying as hell bruh

Daniel Holland

It may just be me always rooting for the underdog to make it out of the friend zone, but I didn’t really think that Iris was annoying. I was too focused on Barry breaking out of the friend zone To be annoyed with her.

Jason Diachun

Iris is the main reason the show became a bad as it does. She is just insufferable in the next few seasons

Josh Z

She is not annoying, she has a right to be upset because EVERYONE treats her like she can't make her own decisions, like she is five years old and then get mad at her for being mad at being treated that way. In truth she is just as stubborn as her father, and yet nobody who watches the show ever calls Joe out for that. Iris has her faults certainly but that's kinda the point, she is human and nobody had enough faith in her to tell her the truth. It's kind of insulting honestly.


She is 100% annoying, him being the flash isn’t her business anyways. Neither was Barry getting with Linda. She chooses to be where she’s not needed, and it’s annoying repetitiveness

granite 2004

she is the most annoying person in the entire show especially in the later seasons

kirbo ghost king

Yea No iris is the most annoying character in this whole show for me especially in later seasons


as the flash gets worse the arrow gets better… hot take or facts?

Jose Navarro

She is incredibly annoying

Jay Herbo

Iris is the most hated character don u not alone

The goat

I wasn’t talking about what you said I was talking about QJ S and he is only on season 1 my bad


Tie between iris and skylar from breaking bad


You all just basically told him to stop watching the rest of the seasons because of Iris, well done everyone, and all you lot were crying for him to do at least 3-4 full seasons when he dropped the first episode. Make up your fckn mind, do you want him to keep watching or not. if you hate Iris then fine, but you can't say that the rest of the season are unwatchable just because of her. Grow up


Also Don if you've never had a female best friend that was like a sister to you, you can't know what's it like to be in Iris position. Saying how she couldn't pick up that barry liked her. Those things happen in real life too, i had a friend like that as well, we were basically inseparable but she could never see my feelings the way they truly were. no matter how much I was showing her those feelings she always thought that was all normal because of our deep connection. So unless you've been in such position or experience it, you don't get to judge Iris based on that.

Josh Z

I'm not saying that she isn't flawed, sometimes extremely so but at least I'm able to understand that almost all of her reactions to situations are emotional, which is realistic and as for her feelings for Barry, Joe said it in the previous episode. She doesn't know how to deal with them. The real problem is the writers make Iris angry a little too often and don't let her react rationally to a lot of situations, she is a great character when she is not being used to create emotional angst in the show.

Kyron Mcmorris

Iris might be annoying but, it doesn’t take away the entertainment from show, we still have Joe, Cisco, Barry and everyone else that’s gonna be introduced in season 2 and 3

Jason Diachun

Ah got ya. Anyway, I doubt he'll read or remember these comments by that time


Chill, they're talking about every season after 4

Sheena M Harmon

You have to realize that everything they've been doing for each other and how they acted around each other they've been doing since they were kids. As a kid, you don't think about things like that (even though Berry was in love with her since they were kids). She's been used to Berry being that way for so long, that it never crossed her mind. And yes you are a little bit harsh on her (a little bit lol). Characters always have their flaws or things about them that make other people tick, but what makes any good show, is the character building and the lessons the character learns along the way. Iris finally tapped into her tuition, and she will build into someone who will be a great asset to the team.


Imo the great seasons of the Arrow are 1-3, 5 and 8, but the other seasons while they may not be as good still have great moments.


You're spitting the facts that other people/haters don't see, the show would be boring if there was no drama or if every character was perfect. Like barry said, without iris there wouldn't be the flash. So ppl need to stop hating on her so much, she did her role and part in this show be grateful for it.

Desi Cr

I agree with you don iris is annoying af


No you're saying the rest of the seasons get worse cuz of her. She might be annoying but she did her part in this show just how she was supposed to. If there was no drama and every character was perfect, the show would be boring. I bet you would be annoying as well for the kind of money she got for acting in this show. But that doesn't mean you should hate on her.

Super Saiyan God

You thought Iris is annoying? Wait until you see Felicity in the later seasons, she is just as bad, if not worse than Iris lmfao.


bro just perma flaming Iris lmao... I like Iris :) She's also very pretty!


yes shes fucking annoying but these next 3 seasons gets hella good prolly even better no cap. but yes she is fucking annoying.

Mick Nunn

Tbh Don, Iris is the only reason this show is not 10/10, and ultimately ruins the show. When I watched it for the first time my theory was the main show writer is in love with her irl, and thats the reason she has to be centre of everything. Basically, she's a Pick Me girl

Ceci Simpson

I love iris sm she gets more badass as the seasons go on


no she sucks she is the biggest yapper of all time and always whines about everything

Arell Crocker

I hate iris so much , all she does is complain and act likes she’s always in the right and it only gets worse



Andhy thomas

Iris is the Elena Gilbert of this show


As she should be tho. Oliver made HIS choice, Barry should’ve had the same option. Iris putting her nose where it don’t belong. Same with Eddie. Trying to force him to tell her what he’s doing 😂 she’s a liability


EOBARD THAWNE EXPLAINED (PLEASE READ) From the 25th Century, Eobard Thawne was an only child when his parents were killed in an accident. In his loneliness, he became obsessed with the Flash, Barry Allen, a heroic speedster from the 21st Century. Eobard would dedicate his life to studying the Flash and researching his power source, the Speed Force. During his adulthood, Thawne miraculously received a time capsule containing the Flash's costume, from which he harnessed residual traces of the Speed Force to give himself access to its powers. Dissatisfied, Thawne sought to also become a hero like the Flash. However, due to the lack of opportunities for heroics in the future, Thawne instead created his own by endangering and then "saving" people to make himself look a hero. Thawne was awestruck when Barry arrived in his time and taught him new ways to use his powers, with the two also bonding over their shared belief that "every second is a gift". Unfortunately for Eobard, Barry became aware of the truth behind his "heroics", and would turn him in to the authorities after defeating the rogue speedster. Desperate to prove himself to his hero, Thawne vowed to better himself. In prison, he underwent electroshock therapy and shared his knowledge with other inmates. He convinced the authorities that society would be better if he was educating others as a professor instead of being behind bars, and worked hard from being a tour guide at the Flash Museum to becoming its curator, considering the museum his own. Wanting to show Barry his rehabilitation and to be accepted again by his "best friend", Thawne traveled back in time to the 21st Century. Deeming it arrogant to think he was ready to become the Flash, he changed his costume to yellow, because it was the color that all the hero's partners wore. However, after witnessing Barry give Wally West a watch with the same advice he gave Eobard years ago inscribed, an enraged Thawne realized that he wasn't as special to Barry as he thought. Running back to the 25th Century, to the Flash Museum, it was there that Thawne realized his destiny, including his multiple future deaths. Creating his own Negative Speed Force and switching his emblem, Thawne became the Reverse-Flash. Believing that tormenting Barry is the only time that Barry will spend with him, Thawne made it his life's mission to ensure that the Flash lived in pain like he did, until his idol learned to treat him specially and see him as his "real" friend.


It’s a fictional character, I’ll hate on that bih if I want to. Show would’ve been 10/10 without iris 😂 she’s not bad, but she’s written as someone who fiends to be involved when she doesn’t need to.


Even how annoying iris is but the shouting/screaming what iris does is just overreacting, i know iris can be annoying but these shouting just sometimes jumpscare me XDDDDD


Cant wait to see Don's reaction on iris on season 4.


Either way, iris isnt going anywhere so i really hope there isnt like 100 different complains about everything iris does, breathing, talking, being alive. Iris is little annoying character but i try to see Irises actions from different perspective than just with mind full of annoying feelings about her.


Bro is going through it with iris’ shit this episode


I hate iris

NGN Chungus

Iris is a tad annoying in season 1, but she gets less annoying over the seasons except for ONE moment in season 4 and another in season 5


Iris gets more annoying bro💀

shane coleman

My wife hates iris as much as you do it's so funny lol

Matthew MacKinnon

iris never lied to barry about how she felt about him....like its been established countless times, she doesnt understand the feelings she has for him, because they grew up together from children, she automatically assumes any feelings of "love" are the sibling kind of love, not actual love. If you've known someone that long, lived with them, grew up with them....you probably already loved them as family before you ever even knew what romantic love is, so its difficult to seperate the two

Mohammad Khan



21:13.. This man don is wild

Bianca Mitchell

She gets better I swear. You can't be mad at their relationship cause then you'll be hating for the rest of the show


I hate her with a passion she gets on my nerves


Wait until season 4 that’s when iris becomes despisable anything after season 4 she’s written as the team leader and a right stuck up delusional cow

Kross Hairs

she gets better the next season which helps


honestly she makes this show whole lol. I honestly like her i don’t get the hate.

Courage LK

Main reason I stopped watching flash was bc of iris, they could of atleast made her less annoying and obnoxious


Yes, Iris is annoying, but there was so much potential with that character. There’s so much unnecessary drama around her. I think it’s about 70% due to the script and 30% the actress. Because there are times where her acting is pretty good. With a better script and better directing, I think the character could’ve been much better. I saw the bullshit coming since the first episode when she said “does that include twerking?” Huh, they made her an airhead with an ego, then try to insert some intelligence.

Autumn Richardson

Iris is annoying sometimes but other times i understand her, people just dont actually think about her side of things


Hate iris, barry has WAY more chemistry with literally ANY other girl in the show but...ugh. She's also the reason i couldn't keep watching at a certain time (they were cute when she was first introduced and i was rooting for Barry a tad but....ya)

Virge Redux

Yes, Iris is egregious. Every other girl has had better chemistry with Barry than Iris. If you think it’s bad now, good luck.

Virge Redux

Yeah she was cool for the first few episodes but then it started getting weird, it was still passable for me until the later seasons if yk yk.



Game Dragon

I'm actually surprised at the comments. I don't think Iris is that bad. At least not in this season. I feel like a lot of people don't understand what it feels like to be lied to. Omission of truth and straight up deception is not the same thing.


this is the only time she actually had a good point but the rest of season 1 annoying 😂


"So the red, that's Barry? And the blue?" is the most retareded shit ive ever seen lmao

Virge Redux

All of her actions are inexcusable living in a world with people who has powers lol, I’d completely understand everything if I was later told what the lie was lmao. She’s extra asf. She was also manipulating tf out of Eddie and Barry, she is NOT a good person.

Xavier Bender

If you dont watch season 2 i dont know what kind of drugs your taking 💀

Xavier Bender

Iris will forever be the real villain of this show 💀


I don’t really see where Iris is in the wrong this season ngl🤷🏾‍♂️

Abraham Hassan

A lot of times I am annoyed by Iris, sometimes though if u look at it from her perspective it does make sense


No, you're definitely not too harsh on Iris, this is like my 3rd or 4th time watching this show and I still despise her.

The goat

No it’s Eric Wallace she was the villain before Eric Wallace


99% of the fans of this show hates iris and you are suprised? never watched review or read about on the internet did you? xD

Justin Ross

Fun fact they changed something from the comics in the comics speedsters are immune to telepathy cause their minds are to fast

Game Dragon

Like I said, I can understand that in some of the other seasons for sure. But I don't think it's as big a deal here as people are making it out to be.


Tbh I don’t start disliking iris until like season 4 or something. Iris should be disappointed in Barry, because there’s an existing context in their relationship. It’s established in their relationship that they don’t keep big secrets so it’s normal for her to feel betrayed. You can’t say that people don’t have to tell their partners everything because Iris and Barry have never operated that way. So really Barry the one disrupting the status quo.

Tatum McCormick

Iris is normal and dealing with things like normal people, which is why it’s frustrating lol 😂 As for privacy, there’s privacy and boundaries, but in this instance no one is doing so because they think Iris knowing is crossing a boundary, they didn’t tell her for their own reasons so her irritation makes sense. Plus learning you’ve been lied to on multiple occasions and everyone else found out sooner, that comes off mad disrespectful Also, people really are just that dumb and oblivious when it comes to themselves.

Lukastace NovaSword

there were a lot of times she was annoying this season, but i don't hate her THATTT much how she was with eddie when he was keeping barry being the flash from her? that was unacceptable IMO, especially with the double date with felicity and ray, that was just NOT it. that, plus how she tried to mess up barry's relationship with linda, was extremely infuriating, so it kinda let to a lot of times where i had disdain for her... but that aside, i don't really dislike her much

Lukastace NovaSword

damn, this was actually really insightful into the character, thanks... i feel bad for him after he came out of prison and wanting to prove his "rehabilitation" to barry, especially after allat electric shock therapy


Thanks for reading! took me a long time lol. 🙌🙏


shut up iris

Nick Harris



The entitlement from iris is the worst part of this show she’s not even helpful 😂

D3ADSH0T _21

yooo. don hates iris lmao bro said "but when are you gonna tell barry about how you feel" lol

D3ADSH0T _21

don and the end of the show i don't think you realized that DR.WELLS is in the particle accelerator

Fatuma Abdulkadir

I’m not gonna lie I hate her too I thought it was just me 😂😂I don’t know what her see in her she’s a gaslighter

James Stephenson

" Do you think the gorilla had it's way with him"? 😂😂😂

Brandon Bairan

Yes Iris is annoying, and unfortunately she doesn't get much better

Yung Nørmie

Nah some of the petty things she does are not normal, like how she was at the dinner table with the double date, and especially the whole linda situation. She straight up sabotaged their relationship cuz she wanted Barry to continue to want her while she’s in a serious relationship with no intention of leaving Eddie, that was mad selfish, and then she pretended she didn’t even do anything wrong when Barry confronted her ab it.

Tianna Peterson

yesss i hate herr, berry and catlien should have ended up together

Tatum McCormick

Oh! I meant normal is in I just meant humans do that shit and if you haven’t encountered those people, then bless you 😂 What she did was straight up toxic and not healthy! I guess to me there’s a line between insane meaning “no one would do that” versus “that’s wild that that line of thinking exists and people pursue it”. I interpreted it as the former. My bad! 😣


I don’t hate Iris, I didn’t find her that annoying when I watched this but I understand why you think she is annoying and not


shes the reason i had to stop, she adds such unnecessary drama and in my eyes she can never deserve Barry


joe didnt shoot cause he was stalling hoping that barry would get there in time so that he could get locked up instead of possibly killed by joe


About Iris: I do feel bad for her because ik she wants to be included but she doesnt really fit in. like the whole monologue u did at around 26:00 must be lonely and ur the last to know Barrys secret, id feel stupid and also babied/coddled cause they see her as someone who is weak who need to be "protected" (which is true she is a liability) and she has no say/choice or voice in the matter and shes had to deal with that her whole life because of Joe, making everyone decide whats best for her. and her POV is that she doesn't care about the danger she wants to be in the loop, she wants to not be the last person to be let in and informed. (but shes gonna be a liability no matter what so.....(but she does think pretty selfishly but they would piss me off too sometimes the way they treat her idk she still annoys me and is the reason i couldnt watch anymore


About Iris: I do feel bad for her because ik she wants to be included but she doesnt really fit in. like the whole monologue u did at around 26:00 must be lonely and ur the last to know Barrys secret, id feel stupid and also babied/coddled cause they see her as someone who is weak who need to be "protected" (which is true she is a liability) and she has no say/choice or voice in the matter and shes had to deal with that her whole life because of Joe, making everyone decide whats best for her. and her POV is that she doesn't care about the danger she wants to be in the loop, she wants to not be the last person to be let in and informed. (but shes gonna be a liability no matter what so.....(but she does think pretty selfishly but they would piss me off too sometimes the way they treat her idk she still annoys me and is the reason i couldnt watch anymore

Its Kate

I don't like season 1 & 2 Iris cz she gets on my living last nerves but she eventually gets better by mid season 3 and 4

Lucile Byrd

I love Grodd, but his episodes are my least favorite. Thank you! I feel that way with every show when people act like they are entitled to other people's secrets or things they just want to keep to themselves.