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i LOVE how much hes loving this show

Kevin The Speedster

The first season of the flash takes place during season 3 of arrow, both were airing at the same time, so ray and Felcity meet and get together during the third season of arrow. flash aired on Tuesday nights and arrow aired on Wednesday nights


Let’s go!

Kevin The Speedster

Fun fact about Christina McGee(The science lady at Mercury Labs) was the main love interest to barry in the 90's Flash show

kirbo ghost king

Don Really Doesn't like the suit. LOL


It was a superman reference because that guy played superman in a movie

Rakoon Shampoo

He’s really going to need to know that he HAS to watch the Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow episodes of the Invasion crossover. I can already see it that he’s going to go right from 3x8 to 3x9. The Season 2 crossover will be whatever since pretty much every streaming service bundles both episodes together. But I’m really worried about Invasion.


Who’s gonna tell him the suit doesn’t change till season 4

Matthew MacKinnon

i havent seen this show yet, i think what you said is *technically* a spoiler, but a super small one....and one that just makes me hype to see the suit change now lmao (am on season 2 ep 10 atm i think, cant wait to see that shit updated)


Nahhhh bro.. Iris is shit ! 😂 Sorry

Mohammad Khan

I’d say once finish s1 take a break and go crazy with arrow until you’re like at the same timeline as in s1 flash starts when arrow is at s3 I think ? So it would be better to be way ahead in arrow. AND FELICITY was saying some crazy spoilers In this episode lmao

Matthew MacKinnon

(talking about barry after iris admitted she was surprised he was trying to help her see eddie's POV) "....you thought because he liked you, hes gonna disrespect....bruv hes not you Iris, hes not going to jeopardize a relationship to be with you, cause hes not a prick...." i normally agree with most of what you say, but i gotta say man, that comment dont track, barry literally ended a relationship to try to be with her, if thats not the epitome of "jeopardizing a relationship" then idk what is....he ENDED a relationship to try to be with her i wont say iris is innocent, but you honestly cant pretend that barry is either

Nicolas Piedrahita

Im dead he said don’t show me iris she’s jarring

Mi Yol

Fook iris


Bro nah, Iris is consistently the most SHIT character in the show for it's entire run. I don't think I disliked any other character more.

That Guy

Always hated iris , literally looks for problems and then cant handle shit


Trust bro no one likes iris


I do kinda (sometimes not), cause i dont complain everything she does, i try to see it from different perspective and not complain right away. Lot people complain about iris or hate her. Don't get me wrong, i get it why people get mad about her or annoyed.


Tbh Allegra and her are pretty close for me. Allegra annoys me so much, also Nora (child) she just fucks up everything


I mean, the Flash S1 finale is gonna spoil some of Arrow too. I'd say that at this point, there's no use in waiting, most of the stuff's been spoiled.

Adrien Goffigan

Rewatching this as I get older I have a deep hatred for iris


VIBEEE if ykyk


I'm actually fucking dying laughing. "I thought that was the brother from Star Wars." COMPLETELY missed that Mark Hamill was the Trickster in the last episode. 😂🤣


Iris needs to go


Iris kinda right in the end of the episode. If someone u love is going through sum ur gonna wanna be able to be there for them and know what’s going on🤷🏾‍♂️


i hate iris so much


Don idk if you know this but Arrow and The Flash are separated by 2 seasons. So in Flash season 1, Arrow is on its 3rd season

Alexis Georgiadis

Damn he’s getting too much shit spoiled.


That “EWWW” for Iris was diabolical lmaooooo


She gaslights and manipulates so much 😂 Iris is annoying asf and I will die on that hill

Bianca Mitchell

The iris hate is real up in here 😂 it's whatever. Another fire episode 🔥💯


I just realized, the "its a bird, its a plane" not only references superman as you picked up, but the actor that plays Ray Palmer (ATOM) has played the role of superman before


After flash season 1, take a break and get to arrow season 4

Xavier Bender

The suit sucks in season one but season 2 suit had one change and made it look 10x better


the flash is peak, especially season 1


Im loving how much don don't like iris and it's only season 1 where she is least annoying, any iris hate is appreciated xD

. .

I got some down btches i could call🗣️🗣️🗣️

James Stephenson

"peak" dude wait till you see seasons two and three It's going to blow your mind and season 4 is great too

Abraham Hassan

that superman refrence in the beginning is because the actor that plays felicity boyfriend played superman in the 2006 movie so he actually is superman

Virge Redux

First 2 seasons are the best, season 3 is underrated, and season 4 has some great moments but a step down from the first 3.

Tatum McCormick

I think that Iris’ actions are probably the most accurate to someone in her position. If your boyfriend (who I am assuming must have actually told her everything before otherwise she wouldn’t have moved in with him) would suddenly change and not tell you things, it’s not super crazy to think he could be cheating. Though Eddie may be the best guy, doubt is strong. As for the dinner scene, it was very very petty of Iris to publicly put Eddie on the spot. Is it a move people who are hurt and feeling angry would do, yes. Is it a shit move, yes. As for her ultimatum, because the way in which Barry phrased Eddie’s excuse was that Eddie wanted to keep Iris in the light for her sake and so her reaction to say that she wants to know going off of the info that Eddie is doing this for her, can be very frustrating. Yes I do think her action was way too hasty in escalation though.


Oliver McQueen 🤣🤣🤣 had me 🤣🤣🤣


bro the bees woulda sent me

dooba dooba

It depends on the relationship. She wants to hold onto the problems with her partner. We don't fully know Eddie's perspective, as the one that Barry told could be a lie. We do not know if Eddie suffers that problem or not, he is just simply hiding a secret to keep iris safe. Very different to hiding trauma to keep iris safe or hiding Confidential details.


Idk if I agree with it depending on the type of relationship bc anyone would get concerned and frustrated if they see they’re partner acting strange and stressed but they won’t get an explanation


Iris used to annoy me for most of season 1 but her character does improve. She definitely becomes a little more selfless