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Okay Was it just me or did they step the fuck up with the animation this episode!?



blud forgot 122

Casper Andersson

My man i'm expecting 10 Clone wars episodes to drop soon after this much Dragon ball

Draven Scott

Dang bro forgot again ep 122


Is this 122? Or did he skip one?


I think this actually IS 122...just titled wrong

Joakim Lund

Chuck u sure? Before i start watch xD

Samih Kornegay

This is episode 122, just titled wrong

Casper Andersson

Yea he is really getting into the good stuff now and what's the point of watching just half of the series. Of course the same could be said about Breaking bad.

Lethal Atmos 3

123 is peak though your word Don😝

Lethal Atmos 3

Jiren is giving these guys a series handicap it’s not even a joke.

Lethal Atmos 3

Your energy is like a steel wall that gives me chills.😳😳


Please drop the next episode 🙏🏽

Its Classic

is Alita Battle Angel and The Hobbit still a thing? <3

uhh Zay

They 100% stepped up the animation. When these episodes were coming out, they were breaking the internet. Watch parties all over the world. They were generating a lot of money


There’s different animators on different episodes and this episode yuya takahashi did a lot of the animation and his work is top notch! I think he does episode 114 and I’m pretty sure he does work on 125 as well but I kno he does more episodes than that just not sure which other ones, some episodes they do 3 animators on 1 and they’ll split it up but Yuya to me is top notch always, he does the whole second half of this episode


If it's named wrong, can we get 123? 😂😂😂

Josh G.

They get stronger everytime they fight. That’s the whole point of being a saiyan. That’s why he’s keeping up better in blue


now it sgetting so fucking gooddd


after he finishes dragon ball maybe but i enjoy this much more than clone wars ngl

Casper Andersson

Well I watched so much Clone Wars as a kid and is a big SW's fan and I don't like anime so yea I wan't clone wars a lot more but its fine if he wants to finish db fast but clone wars here and there to let us know hes still doing it

Jacob Arms

Yeah they saved their animation budget for these last ~20 episodes lmao

Jacob Arms

Yeah, but DBZ was kinda shit and downplayed that into just when they almost die instead of generally when they fight


this is my all time favourite super ep tbh absolutely amazing when you notice every little detail

Jacob Arms

Bro the actual episode 123 is lit btw please drop it before I go to work tomorrow lmao

Mohammad Khan

You gotta stop thinking of it like that. He’s already had a fight with Jiren at UI, So he’s obviously gonna be more on par even at Blue. He’s always improving and I mean it did look like he maxed the hell out of blue there. It’s not as black and white as oh he couldn’t beat him at blue before so he never will. Idk if that makes sense lmao


Dons channel is for anime reactions I wouldn’t pay for only dam Star Wars😭 might aswell wait on YouTube


Unless u mess w the movies n shit too otherwise there’s no point


Super animation was 🔥 when they actually tried. The show would’ve been respected more had they tried that hard for more of it.

Don Townsend

Improving that much in what 20 mins is crazy but I guess it has to makes sense for the story and fight to move forward


Hopefully one piece soon🙏🏾🙏🏾


Yea gotta remember, Saiyan's get stronger everytime they survive a fight, this tournament is a CONSTANT stress on their bodies. Just goes to show how broken Saiyan's are, Goku has had like... 8 zenkai boosts in this tournament.