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its a good day


Dragon Ball Super, my love and delight With Saiyans and battles, it's always a fight Goku and Vegeta, heroes so strong Fighting for justice, all the day long The power they wield, the energy flows With each epic battle, my excitement grows The universe is at stake, but they'll never run Dragon Ball Super, my favorite one Soaring through galaxies, with friends by their side Defeating their enemies, with a sense of pride The thrill of the action, the drama, the fun Dragon Ball Super, my number one Through every saga, I'm hooked and amazed With each new episode, I'm truly amazed The legacy continues, with each passing day Dragon Ball Super, forever will stay I love you, Dragon Ball Super, you hold a special place In my heart, in my soul, I can never replace The joy that you bring, the memories we share Dragon Ball Super, forever I'll care.

Jacob Arms

So, pretty much everything after Super Saiyan 2 consumes too much energy to be worth it, especially Super Saiyan 3 and Blue Kaioken Goku hasn't mastered Blue at this point which is why it's so energy consuming, Super Saiyan 1 was the same way until him and Gohan went into the Time Chamber and he mastered it

Jacob Arms

Also as far as the barrier Goku made, everyone that uses Ki does it unconsciously (how Goku can be hurt by Pan as a baby but firm a punch by someone much stronger, or when he got bruised by the gun a few episodes back) but you can make a thicker barrier for to stop things like poison It's similar to Naruto's kurama form in early Naruto I believe


love the dbs reactions u should try and watch an episode of wind breakers i think u would love it

Saiyan Elite

What a goat for bringing us 4 episodes!!!! thank you Don my boy!!!


those reactions fire i need moreee ngll

Mi Yol



never said but Mohito the angel smiled because he was prob tired of taking care of they universe n was glad it was gone since they were the weakest

Matthew MacKinnon

super saiyan 3 takes WAYYYYYYY more energy than blue, and super saiyan red is basically just blue, but weaker...there's no upside to using red after you've obtained blue, its not stronger in any way, and it doesnt take any less energy


There is an upside to using red it was mentioned in the manga it takes less energy and has a healing factor. In the manga they stayed in red to save energy and then any time they punched they switched to blue to deal more damage then switch back to red. Unfortunately wasn’t shown in the anime but it was awesome.


you're only half right, ssj3 uses more stamina than blue, but god is close in comparison to blue, uses less stamina than blue but is incredibly faster than blue, its essentially a speed form

Matthew MacKinnon

can i ask for a source on that? not saying i dont believe you, as i havent read the manga so super fair if its true, but i just dont rem seeing that info anywhere in the anime at least. Whereas i can SWEAR that it was mentioned in the manga that red took more than blue or something similar to that effect (lowkey havent seen the entire series as a whole in a while tho, so fair if im wrong)


Blue is faster than Red. I can't remember what was said word for word but it was something along the lines of Red allows Goku to fight with more speed than his yellow while using less energy than blue. super saiyan forms are just power multipliers which means all stats are boosted so the higher form will always be faster/stronger than the previous level. The only exception to this is the grade 2 and 3 forms which increase body mass so much that it effects speed.

Beast sama

i can finally watch this, its been 2 weeks lol